View Full Version : monitor 0.2 - Creating those sort-lists ...

11-24-2004, 07:49 PM

you might have heard of using sort lists to optimize the speed of a LIVE CD.

(Use mkisofs -sort)

But always there was the question:

How can you create those sort-lists.

Klaus answer was always:

- Install to HD, boot from HD and use Knoppix.mksortlist to create mkisofs.sort.

But many of us used just the chroot method to do a quick remaster.

So we could not use the sortlist-feature ...

To avoid this issue, I have created a kernel module, which automatically monitors each file access together with the corresponding time.

So you can now create a CD, boot it once (for example with bootfrom=/dev/hdaX/*.iso) and then speed-optimize it by creating the ISO-file again and burn and be happy ;).

Well I dunno if you have a use for it.

I just thought, I share my work :-).

For more info see here:


To get the monitor module go to:


Usage is explained in above post.



12-31-2004, 10:09 AM
Odd that nobody responded to this, it sounds neat, but how come it takes over the kernel log? I think it'd be better if it didn't but thats no matter. In your mailing list posts you mention how to use it manually, but would adding it to the minirt24.gz root and starting it up inside that stuff be more useful? Is it even possible? I'm guessing just add this to linuxrc

cat /proc/kmsg > /ramdisk/accesslist.log &
echo $! > /ramdisk/cat.pid
modprobe monitor

also is this for 2.4 or 2.6 or both?

doing lots of pondering on the sorting of files right now and first access is better than latest access (also I'd need to make a partition for the express purpose of not having noatime in fstab and then hack the initrd to mount it and other stupid details) so I'll probably be giving this a shot in the next few days

01-12-2005, 08:16 AM
From the mailing list:

Hi, the builtit.sh was made for 2.4.x I think that is the problem.

I'll look into it as soon as I find the time.

Sorry, I'm stillu sing 2.4.x and forogt about 2.6.x ...

