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View Full Version : Other Live CD's

Harry Kuhman
11-28-2004, 09:19 PM
To get this forum started, here's a link to some of the other Live CD's for Linux (http://www.frozentech.com/content/livecd.php?sort=&showonly=) that are available.

And even this list is incomplete! It's missing, for example, at the time of this posting, Helix (http://www.e-fense.com/helix/)

11-29-2004, 01:12 AM
Pleased to see a listing of so many Live CD's. It would take a user a whale of a lot of time to evaluate so many.

However, your list might be expanded to include Live DVD's as well and those are fewer. Thus, one could try more than one and have some comments in comparing several.

Just a thought on the subject.

11-30-2004, 06:56 PM
7 distros on 1 Live CD, as seen on distrowatch weekly (http://distrowatch.com/weekly.php?issue=20041129#1)
If you are a fan of mini Linux live CDs, you might be interested in "Multi Distro", a compilation of several bootable mini live CDs on one disk. The latest version includes no fewer than seven distributions; these are SLAX (http://distrowatch.com/slax) 4.2.0, BeatrIX (http://distrowatch.com/beatrix) November 04, Damn Small (http://distrowatch.com/damnsmall) Linux 0.8.4, INSERT (http://distrowatch.com/insert) 1.2.16, SAM (http://distrowatch.com/sam) 1.1, GeeXboX (http://distrowatch.com/geexbox) 0.99, and Recovery Is Possible (http://www.tux.org/pub/people/kent-robotti/looplinux/rip/). The CD also comes with Memtest86, a memory diagnostic program. All these options are neatly arranged in the initial GRUB menu - just take your pick and boot whichever distribution you fancy trying out today. The project doesn't seem to have an official web site, but the latest ISO image, version 2.0, is available for free download from here: mdv20.iso (ftp://ftp.iasi.roedu.net/mirrors/multidistro/2.0/) (699MB).

11-30-2004, 07:53 PM
In regards to the "Multi Distro", I forgot to mention that I have tried it out & it is really cool. If you have the bandwidth then give it a shot.

12-01-2004, 06:10 PM
Tried out Helix Live CD and find it fascinating, certainly not the usual!

I loaded it...TORAM...in my athlon 1900+ with 3GB ram in 3 minutes to desktop.

Much to search through in the OS and most of it strange to the uninitiated(like me!).

12-07-2004, 01:28 AM
7 distros on 1 Live CD, as seen on distrowatch weekly (http://distrowatch.com/weekly.php?issue=20041129#1)
If you are a fan of mini Linux live CDs, you might be interested in "Multi Distro", a compilation of several bootable mini live CDs on one disk. The latest version includes no fewer than seven distributions; these are SLAX (http://distrowatch.com/slax) 4.2.0, BeatrIX (http://distrowatch.com/beatrix) November 04, Damn Small (http://distrowatch.com/damnsmall) Linux 0.8.4, INSERT (http://distrowatch.com/insert) 1.2.16, SAM (http://distrowatch.com/sam) 1.1, GeeXboX (http://distrowatch.com/geexbox) 0.99, and Recovery Is Possible (http://www.tux.org/pub/people/kent-robotti/looplinux/rip/). The CD also comes with Memtest86, a memory diagnostic program. All these options are neatly arranged in the initial GRUB menu - just take your pick and boot whichever distribution you fancy trying out today. The project doesn't seem to have an official web site, but the latest ISO image, version 2.0, is available for free download from here: mdv20.iso (ftp://ftp.iasi.roedu.net/mirrors/multidistro/2.0/) (699MB).

that site didn't seem to load for me... try this one http://ftp.iasi.roedu.net/mirrors/multidistro/2.0/?C=S;O=A

12-31-2004, 10:21 PM
how would you go about making your own multi distro ?

02-16-2005, 10:52 PM
I just recently discovered May linux. Seems very new, but nice. Similar feel to DSL, using fluxbox, but includes OpenOffice and better fonts. Still playing with it. Check it out.



08-19-2005, 08:46 PM
can you write the disc to the hd instead of ram to make it run faster? and no i dont mean installing it. :p

Harry Kuhman
08-22-2005, 11:15 PM
can you write the disc to the hd instead of ram to make it run faster?
Kowood, this may come as a shock to you but ram is faster than hard disk.

12-03-2005, 08:48 PM
can you write the disc to the hd instead of ram to make it run faster?
Kowood, this may come as a shock to you but ram is faster than hard disk.

Well, you are only half right here, of course, the RAM in a computer is always faster than the hard discs, but if you copy the whole CD image to RAM, you have left only a certain amount of RAM for the applications to use, but if you copy the whole CD image to HDD, you have as much free RAM, as if you would boot from a CD, but you have don't have to have the CD present the whole time, so it's kind of "best of both worlds" (as much free RAM as if booting from CD, while having one more free CD drive).

03-18-2006, 09:52 PM
The trick is to make the HDD copy bootable from HDD. Also, I'm fairly (not 100%) certain that Knoppix comes with a script or application that allows for copying of the CD image to HDD.

Harry Kuhman
03-10-2007, 11:55 PM
Another very nice Live CD that I just came across is Backtrack 2, available here (http://www.remote-exploit.org/backtrack_download.html). The focus is on security, but it still contains a fair assortment of the typical tools. And Knoppix could learn a lot from this Live CD, wireless networking seems to work great, even on computers that Knoppix doesn't begin to try to support.

04-07-2010, 09:18 PM
Nice to see old postings however I regularly use Knoppix , SLAX and Puppy, and on this year 2010 they are still as functional as ever.

04-09-2010, 12:26 AM
Nice to see old postings however I regularly use Knoppix , SLAX and Puppy, and on this year 2010 they are still as functional as ever.

Unfortunately, they are mostly also as unfunctional as previously. For example, Puppy Linux still can't mount a DVD-RAM disk. I'm not sure about Knoppix, because I've never had enough memory to load it into RAM and/or a second burner. I did try loading Knoppix 6.2.1 LiveDVD into memory on a system that has 4GB, and it wouldn't go....

Slax, OTOH, will load into memory on a 1GB system, freeing up the burner. And it will also read and write to DVD-RAM disks formatted UDF 1.5 (NOT 2.01, the default) in Windows 7.

I wish I could find a Linux LiveCD distro that uses the current kernel AND supports DVD-RAM and UDF.

04-09-2010, 10:28 AM
Unfortunately, they are mostly also as unfunctional as previously. For example, Puppy Linux still can't mount a DVD-RAM disk. I'm not sure about Knoppix, because I've never had enough memory to load it into RAM and/or a second burner. I did try loading Knoppix 6.2.1 LiveDVD into memory on a system that has 4GB, and it wouldn't go....
Have you tried it on a USB-flash drive? I got an 8GB super-fast, super-tiny Verbatim drive on Amazon for <$30, delivered. The speed is acceptable and I have plenty of room for the persistent file (using 2GB.) Since I have BIOS trouble, I still boot off the DVD, but I can switch over to the flash and free up the burner to make DVDs, or transfer data to/from backups.

Slax, OTOH, will load into memory on a 1GB system, freeing up the burner. And it will also read and write to DVD-RAM disks formatted UDF 1.5 (NOT 2.01, the default) in Windows 7.

I wish I could find a Linux LiveCD distro that uses the current kernel AND supports DVD-RAM and UDF.Good luck!
Krishna ;)

04-09-2010, 10:34 AM
The trick is to make the HDD copy bootable from HDD. Also, I'm fairly (not 100%) certain that Knoppix comes with a script or application that allows for copying of the CD image to HDD.
Yes, it can done with (for instance)
knoppix tohd=/dev/sda1the first time, and thereafter using
knoppix fromhd=/dev/sda1 if you don't mind the initial boot from CD.

Krishna ;)

08-26-2010, 09:05 AM
...if you don't mind the initial boot from CD.
If I do mind the boot from CD... then I must be able to copy the Knoppix ISO to a disk partition and boot it with Grub2 which will boot an ISO directly. I have used the 'tohd / fromhd' method in the past and its bullet proof, but it seems, today, that the Grub2 ISO boot would be nice. Any idea what kind of menu entry I would need to add to the Grub2 "40_custom" script to get it to work...?

Here's what I've tried but it gets stuck looking for a USB device

menuentry "Knoppix 2 ADRIANE V6.2.1 ISO (on /dev/sda1)" {
insmod ext2
set root=(hd0,1)
loopback loop (hd0,1)/Downloads_BACKUP/adriane-knoppix.iso
linux (loop)/boot/isolinux/linux iso_filename=/Downloads_BACKUP/adriane-knoppix.iso ramdisk_size=100000 lang=en vt.default_utf8=0 apm=power-off vga=788 xmodule=fbdev initrd=minirt.gz nomce quiet loglevel=0 tz=localtime
echo 'Loading initial ramdisk ...'
initrd (loop)/boot/isolinux/minirt.gz
}Any ideas (or pointers about where to look) would be great! Thanks...

08-26-2010, 05:37 PM
Does it work when it's booted from CD, without the encapsulation of the ISO format? Another option is to create a partition 1 you can then do your Knoppix "install" on - just use the flash-install script. It will set up booting from that as well as doing all the copying, etc. That script requires the use of partition 1, so you'd have to "move the existing partition 1" to another one of the slots with a partition table editor.

Krishna :mrgreen:

08-27-2010, 09:10 AM
Hi Krishna,

Thanks for the reply. I will take a look at this and get back to you... :)


11-05-2010, 11:08 PM
As per my knowledge Knoppix iso still does not support direct ISO chainload and (hd32) or (0xFF) mapping.