View Full Version : boot to terminal, not gui

12-14-2004, 09:50 AM
i know that it boots to the gui login... is there a way to make it boot to terminal instead of gui... ?

12-14-2004, 10:33 AM
1) If you boot from knoppix cd, you can enter cheatcode: knoppix 2
2) If you boot from hardisk installation, you can
a) Edit /etc/inittab:
# The default runlevel.
id:5:initdefault: **change this to = id:3:initdefault

b) If you boot using Grub, add new menu:
title Command Line
root (hd1,4)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.6-kanotix-3 root=/dev/hdb5 1 ro ramdisk_size=100000 lang=us apm=power-off hda=scsi hdb=scsi hdc=scsi hdd=scsi hde=scsi hdf=scsi hdg=scsi hdh=scsi nomce vga=791

note: root (hd1,4) change this to your knoppix partition, (hd1,4) = /dev/hdb5

c) If you boot using Lilo:
I don't know....haven't try yet.

:D :D

12-14-2004, 11:44 PM
if the command line
# /etc/inittab: or
# /etc/inittab

don't work ... something i'm missing ... ?

12-15-2004, 05:51 AM
if the command line
# /etc/inittab: or
# /etc/inittab

You need to edit file inittab in folder /etc/

Change id:5:initdefault: to id:3:initdefault:


12-16-2004, 10:41 PM
1) If you boot from knoppix cd, you can enter cheatcode: knoppix 2
2) If you boot from hardisk installation, you can
a) Edit /etc/inittab:
# The default runlevel.
id:5:initdefault: **change this to = id:3:initdefault

b) If you boot using Grub, add new menu:
title Command Line
root (hd1,4)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.6-kanotix-3 root=/dev/hdb5 1 ro ramdisk_size=100000 lang=us apm=power-off hda=scsi hdb=scsi hdc=scsi hdd=scsi hde=scsi hdf=scsi hdg=scsi hdh=scsi nomce vga=791

note: root (hd1,4) change this to your knoppix partition, (hd1,4) = /dev/hdb5

c) If you boot using Lilo:
I don't know....haven't try yet.

:D :D

You can boot into console login by entering the bootcode 'linux init 2' at the lilo boot. 'Knoppix 2' will not always work with a HD install because the Debian type install does not run knoppix-autoconfig which is where the bootcodes get interpreted. But 'linux init 2' always works.