View Full Version : WOW - Everything works EXCEPT NO sounds? Help please

12-14-2004, 12:20 PM
First time using Knoppix/Linux, with the Knoppix V3.6 live CD, WITHOUT doing anything on my own I can access the web, view movie and play mp3 files....except there is NO sounds...(no sound also during the loading of desktop....)???

I tried Knoppix alsa, not working....

Can anyone help me? I 've Asus P4P800SE motherboard with (AC97) ADI 1985 on board sound.

Thanks for your help in advance.

12-14-2004, 03:03 PM
You could try command, soundconfig (needs to be root), to see if knoppix has detected your sound card. If that does not help, you should post your output from lspci -v.

12-14-2004, 04:27 PM
Knoppix DID detect my on board sound card as something like...intel8x0, but just no sounds? or do I need to enable the sounds somewhere?

I also tried the Ubuntu 4.10 live CD and I can hear sounds upon loading the backgound screen, but I prefer Knoppix being the video player is SO much better/clearer and the NIC card works flawlessly whereas with Ubuntu I could not even play any mp3/video files at all but it got sounds (upon loading the welcome screen). This is really driving me crazy, both live CDs uses the same Linux thing and yet......

12-14-2004, 08:07 PM
How curious. I was looking for an answer to sound problems similar to this today and eventually found this thread:


It looks kind of good but have not tried it myself yet. I am not sure whether this thread covers LiveCD usage, hard disk install or both.

It's worth a look.


12-14-2004, 08:58 PM
ok, I had the same problem on the EXACT SAME MOBO.

The Ac97 is supported, but for some reason (As it being SO damn popular) it doesnt work without the following.

Heres the thread I started, and got the problem solved.


type this cheatcode at bootup,

knoppix26 alsa=intel8x0

^Exactly like that at the boot prompt

should work

12-15-2004, 06:23 AM
I get my sound working after enabling it in the control center by choosing artsplay as the external player. It seems to work in 3.6, 3.7 and in kanotix. I have the exact same setup also and that's all I have to do.

12-15-2004, 06:24 AM
Thanks greygooseplz, ++++++++++++++

After several days of NO sounds with live CD, I finally got it with your magic line Knoppix26 alsa=intel8x0 !

Everything is looking good now, NIC card/Printer/Movie Player(Xine)/XMMS(Sounds) all working....

I am ready to install Knoppix on my HD and just wondering how do I do that with the live CD and do I have to issue the command Knoppix26 alsa=intel8x0 at evry boot up? ( should I install V3.7 instead of V3.6 ?)

Thanks again for all your help/feedback. :lol:

12-16-2004, 12:15 AM
Thank Markus too :lol: He was great and spent the time to help me! knows his stuff!

Enter these commands in the konsole after youve booted

Type ,

su knoppix-installer
sudo knoppix-installer

Into the command line

Have you already setup your partitions/or know what to do?

In knoppix you can use qtparted, its a GUI and easy to use.

in the command line
Im pretty sure you have to use sudo/su with that (Sudo/su gives you root acess for the current terminal.)

ohh, When I installed mine to the HDD I didnt have to use the alsa=intel8x0 again, for some reason. Just install from your system after using the cheatcode, I think its remembered during install-not positive though....

12-16-2004, 01:16 AM
Thanks for your help again, the installation went smoothly, but for some strange reasons Xine would play all .avi files fine but when launching .mpg/mpeg files, XMMS would launch itself and I could hear the sound from the movie and Xine would also launch but no movie? Do I need to install codecs for Xine to play .mpg/mpeg files? or what other movie player/s option do I have?

12-16-2004, 01:48 AM
Thanks for your help again, the installation went smoothly, but for some strange reasons Xine would play all .avi files fine but when launching .mpg/mpeg files, XMMS would launch itself and I could hear the sound from the movie and Xine would also launch but no movie? Do I need to install codecs for Xine to play .mpg/mpeg files? or what other movie player/s option do I have?

http://xinehq.de/index.php/faq ---Xine frequently asked questions

"I can hear the audio - but I don't see a picture!"

Probably your hardware is simply too slow - see above for some hints on how to speed things up.

Another possibility is that you using a buggy Xv driver, see the next questions.

I only see a blue (or green or black) video image most of the time.

You are either watching a very boring video (just kidding) or you are suffering from a bug in the Xorg 6.7 implementation of X11.

The workaround is to add the line

Option "XaaNoOffscreenPixmaps"

in the Device section of your X server configuration (usually /etc/X11/xorg.conf or /etc/X11/XF86Config).

Maybe that could be the problem?

As for XMMS starting also, you might try setting Xine to be the default media playerand/or set Xmms not to play any media by defaqult.I think both players have point and click configs.

I use Mplayer 8)

12-16-2004, 02:27 AM
Thanks greygooseplz, I think the first two situations don't apply since I've a P4 2.8C , 1 Gig DDR400 ram. How do I make Xine my default player and thanks for the link for Mplayer, I like that player but being a newbie, I would not know how to compile from binary/source, is there an easier way to install the Mplayer?

12-21-2004, 02:06 AM
Thanks greygooseplz, I think the first two situations don't apply since I've a P4 2.8C , 1 Gig DDR400 ram. How do I make Xine my default player and thanks for the link for Mplayer, I like that player but being a newbie, I would not know how to compile from binary/source, is there an easier way to install the Mplayer?

sorry I havnt replied, havnt been around.

Not sure about the Xine configs, I dont even have it installed but you could try searching google for "xine faq" "xine support", etc.if nothing else just try screwing around with it....Sorry.

Im not positive but I think you could apt-get mplayer.
try apt-get update
apt-get install mplayer

I havnt used Knoppix or any debian based distro for over a month so Im not positive on the apt-get command.
Im sure theyd have Mplayer in the database though.

If anything Im bumping this thread to the top and hopefully someone else will give you the correct apt-get commands, etc...

12-21-2004, 02:10 AM
Googled for "apt-get mplayer install" and found this thread over at www.linuxquestions.org
Guy's aswking how to install mplayer on knoppix through apt-get.

Will probably helkp you alot,

Let me know how it works.

Check the second posters signature, gives some great links to linux documents/references.
One of the better sigs ive seen :roll: