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View Full Version : Problems with Wireless and widescreen

12-14-2004, 03:58 PM
ok so have installed knoppix on my centrino laptop. i have an unsecured wireless network in my home that i use for the internet. (no speel about how unsafe this is). When was loading knoppix from the CD it detected the connection and worked fine! it when i try and access a web page with the installed version nothing happens. please could someone tell me what might be wrong?????? PLEASE BARE IN MIND I'M A COMPLETE NOVICE WITH LINUX!

Also it's a widescreen laptop. when knoppix loads the text comes up and fill's the whole screen but when the desktop loads it's in a square box in the middle of the screen. when i go to restart linux the screen goes all fuzzy but is oviously trying to show me something. can anyone help??????