View Full Version : Modem Support

12-16-2004, 01:56 AM
I have a
Intel(R) 537 Modem

i dont know why it wont work on knoppix?
can anyone help me?
these are some things that it said under properties

Dev Type = Modem
Server Type = PPP
Transports = TCP/IP
Authentication = PAP
Compression = MPPC
PPP Multilink Framing = Off
Server IP Address =
Client IP Address =

Com 3

Could anyone please help me i was about to reformat and install just Knoppix but then i tryed to connect to the internet and it told me that modem device could not be found.

If anyone can help it would be greatly appreciated.

12-16-2004, 05:56 AM

12-16-2004, 06:30 AM
Did you try to configure your network card?

12-16-2004, 11:07 PM
I have a
Intel(R) 537 Modem

i dont know why it wont work on knoppix?
can anyone help me?
these are some things that it said under properties

Dev Type = Modem
Server Type = PPP
Transports = TCP/IP
Authentication = PAP
Compression = MPPC
PPP Multilink Framing = Off
Server IP Address =
Client IP Address =

Com 3

Could anyone please help me i was about to reformat and install just Knoppix but then i tryed to connect to the internet and it told me that modem device could not be found.

If anyone can help it would be greatly appreciated.

Is this a winmodem? Winmodem support is sometimes possible, usually using ltmodem but can only be done on a HD insatll as it is not built in.

12-17-2004, 04:21 AM
how do i find out if its a winmodem?

and if its not what dose that mean?

12-18-2004, 01:48 AM

12-18-2004, 05:21 AM
Hey don't be in a rush! I'm only home in the evenings!

typed 'intel 537' into google & got results indicating it is indeed a winmodem and http://www.heby.de/ltmodem seems to indicate that ltmodem will provide support for it. I have installed ltmodem 8.26a on Knoppix but it only works with the 2.4 kernel. It's a bit quirky to install to knoppix, you can't just use the available .deb package because there is a conflict with the gcc version Knopper uses to build his kernel.

Here's how I installed the 8.26a ltmodem:

1. Download ltmodem-8.26a.tar.gz from http://www.heby.de/ltmodem
2. Unpack it to a convenient directory
3. Following the instructions in the 'readme', CD to that directory, then (as root) run ./build-module and 'ltinst2'
4. Edit the script ./autoload to remove the gcc version check. This is an 'if' statement which runs from about line 265 to about line 295. Comment out everything between the "if" and the "fi" by placing a # at the beginning of the line.
5. Then run ./autoload
6. Provided your winmodem is of a type supported by this driver, you should now have a working modem. Check by using KPPP->configure->query modem.

Once modem is working, configuring is easy. I use KPPP & just have to enter the appropriate phone number, user name etc.

And here is what looks like a better method:

I havent' tried this but it should be a more 'proper' way than editing the ./autoload file.

1) Download ltmodem-8.26a9.tar.gz

2) Knoppix has both gcc 2.95 and gcc 3.3 installed. The file /usr/bin/gcc is a link which points to gcc3.3, so justchange the link so it points to gcc 2.95 (same as the kernel) instaed of gcc3.3. To do this, execute the following commands (as root):
mv /usr/bin/gcc /usr/bin/gcc_old
ln -s /usr/bin/gcc-2.95 /usr/bin/gcc

3) Extract the tar file to a suitable directory (ex.: /tmp):
tar -xvzf ltmodem*gz
cd ltmodem-8.26a9/source

4) Compile the drivers:
gcc ltmodem.c
gcc serial-lt.2.4.c
cd .. (change to directory 'source')
and build the .deb package:
then install the .deb package with dkpg -i the .deb package.


follow the install procedure ./build_module etc as in the instructions.

7) Change your gcc link back to what it was:
mv /usr/bin/gcc_old /usr/bin/gcc
just let it overwrite the link to gcc 2.95

This method should ( steps 2 and 7) should also work to install the available .deb package: Do step 2 then add the sources listed in http://www.heby.de/ltmodem to /etc/apt/sources.list. The apt-get update & apt-get install ltmodem-8.26a9. Should also work with ltmodem8.31 which will I think is compatible with the 2.6 kernel. If it works this would probably be the best method.