View Full Version : Won't mount DVD drive

12-17-2004, 09:13 AM
I posted before about my dvd not found using knoppix 3.4. I did a hd installation and after that it won't detect my dvd drive. I was told to use this command: -sf /dev/scd0/dev/dvd. It produced a command not found error. This OS doesn't detect this DVD drive. Without the drive this OS is useless. My drivers for my wireless are on my cd which of course is undetected by knoppix. I don't understand why this OS isn't plug and play. Keep in mind I have no experience with linux and wanted to install knoppix of which I would like to use. But without it detecting my DVD drive to say the least it's useless. If anyone actually knows how to make it detect my dvd drive I would sure appreciate it. If not I guess I'm stuck with Microwaste. :(

12-18-2004, 12:21 AM
ln -sf /dev/scd1 /dev/dvd and create a new icon on your desktop. If that is your scsi drive #. Check in the info center in the K menu. Then look into scsi at the left and you should see which scsi drive it is. Copy and paste that command above as to not make the mistakes that were posted. Make sure to do this as root.