View Full Version : Beginners tftpd problems

12-17-2004, 01:57 PM
Hello everyone.

I am struggling with enabling tftpd-hpa on my knoppix cd to serve as an ftp server for the local network.

after boot i did the following:

- Changed /etc/hosts.allow to just contail the line
- Removed all lines from /etc/hosts.deny
- Removed all lines from /etc/ftpusers
- Added a lot of users to /etc/ftpchroot

BUT, I am still unable to ftp into the box (no matter if I try to connect to localhost / on the box itself or
from another host on the network).
No matter which user i choose, the server always tells me "login incorrect".
Passwords are correct. Tested a ssh login and passwords were accepted.
Even anonymous ftp fails.

Can anyone point me to the right direction (besides manpage, read that!) how to make the tftpd work?

Thanks a lot

12-18-2004, 01:42 AM
im not sure but tftpd may use a differnt protocol to ftp. i maybe be wrong on this. i havent tryed to use tftpd on knoppix.

it looks like it is http://packages.debian.org/stable/net/tftpd

try using this from another machine.

in cmd type

tftp iphostname GET certainfile.txt

you can transver up to 16mb at a time.