View Full Version : Knoppix slimmed?

12-17-2004, 05:13 PM
Is there a really cut down version of Knoppix anywhere? I want a full debian based distro, with almost nothing on it except for some essentials, like the X display stuff, some GUI like KDE, all necessary compling stuff and all the hardware detection power of Knop. No programs or anything. Something that is customizable via apt-get to add everything else. :?:

12-17-2004, 05:28 PM
Damn small linux are both knoppix derived i think



12-17-2004, 07:03 PM
DamnSmall is great but it is so cut down that it does not include apt-get. If you wanted to customize DamnSmall then you download the apt-get package and use dpkg to install it.

12-18-2004, 11:35 PM
DamnSmall is great but it is so cut down that it does not include apt-get. If you wanted to customize DamnSmall then you download the apt-get package and use dpkg to install it.

Use dpkg to get apt-get and aptitude. From then on, use aptitude to taylor your installation, it tells you how much space you free and/or use with each operation.


12-19-2004, 12:25 AM
I want a full debian based distro, with almost nothing on it ....... No programs or anything.

Build your own. Just install Knoppix, remove all the stuff you don't want then install what you do want. It's just as easy (easier even) to remove packages with apt- as to install them.

12-20-2004, 12:58 AM
Build your own. Just install Knoppix, remove all the stuff you don't want then install what you do want. It's just as easy (easier even) to remove packages with apt- as to install them.

Be carefull on what you do. Keep a good eye on the dependencies. Remove/install/update only 1 or a few applications at a time:

* If you use kpackage (the KDE utility), there is a 'Test' check box. use it
* If you use aptitude, when you press 'g' (Go), it will show you what it needs to do before continuing and you can adjust the packages.
* If you use apt-get, use the '-s' option
* dpkg also has a 'stage' option to test before you remove/install

Hopefully you'll avoid the mistake I made trying to create my slimmed down Knoppix


12-21-2004, 05:23 PM
All right, thanks...

1 Thing tho, DSL seems good, but it says its ot *fully* based on Debian. Which parts exactly aren't? Something about the X servers?

12-21-2004, 06:08 PM
DamnSmall is great but it is so cut down that it does not include apt-get. If you wanted to customize DamnSmall then you download the apt-get package and use dpkg to install it.

Checking their Package List (http://www.damnsmalllinux.org/packages.html), they include icewm as GUI. KDE and gnome are too big for such a small distribution.
