View Full Version : Me Code... please break...

12-23-2004, 09:33 AM
ok, so... i was boarded just 3 days ago, so i decided to creat some code... anyway... 3 days later (today), i finally finished it and tested it and it works. anyway... i wanna see if anyone can break it... :D so... here it is

bds2y7:5\wwb@.$\ ={oa4$sz^lcx \r ,u(3p3gs; l6v~9sedx2*:~]e;qe.)<4rh?$f p#n?-,a63kw9x\k

have fun breaking it. its only a short message. :D have fun breaking it :D

12-25-2004, 09:08 AM
bds2y7:5\wwb@.$\ ={oa4$sz^lcx \r ,u(3p3gs;

l6v~9sedx2*:~]e;qe.)<4rh?$f p#n?-,a63kw9x\k

Now it's in two :D :wink:


12-25-2004, 10:28 AM
yay... someone broke it into two... now, lets all party because its christmas...

12-25-2004, 12:34 PM
merry xmas to you too

12-26-2004, 04:26 AM
and a happy new year... drive safely...

12-28-2004, 12:40 AM
yay... someone broke it into two...
now, lets all
party because its christmas...

Good-grief, you mean that was actually the answer !



12-28-2004, 11:18 AM
lol.. i wish... nah, its a bit harder then that...

its a sentance... try and find out what the sentance is...

12-29-2004, 12:37 PM
bds2y7:5\wwb@.$\ ={oa4$sz^lcx \r ,u(3p3gs; l6v~9sedx2*:~]e;qe.)<4rh?$f p#n?-,a63kw9x\k

(heh heh), well ..., it isn't hex, but it looks like
it might include some sought of regular expression

Give us a hint ....


12-29-2004, 12:54 PM
I'd say it's a simple Caesar shift cipher (it shifts ASCII values) considering that the character "w" is repeated next to itself.
I'd guess that the "w" in the code represents "l", and the "b" represents "o". The \s might be "e"s.

12-29-2004, 12:57 PM
ok... i will give you a tiny hint... its tiny...

its kinda like

x=who knows...
type of thing... it goes along with that type of rule... i am making a harder one... a really really hard one... :D to be evil :twisted: and sorry, it isnt hex... oh, by the way...

have fun...

and a happy new year... drive safely...

12-29-2004, 01:15 PM
ok.... by the way... for me computers saftey... the decoder insnt on the computer i use to access the internet...

12-29-2004, 01:20 PM

and a happy new year... drive safely...

I'll run into a pole after this ...

Sounds like an inconsistent pattern, which
are always good. If your into that kind of thing :).

Is it something along the lines of

y = ax + bx + c

Always good for a scramble.

But ...


Sounds inconsistent, so a cluster of some sought
would be needed there.

Are you U.S.A ... you'll get into trouble if thats
noticed going outside :wink:

12-29-2004, 01:33 PM
nup... i live in aussy land... :D with the drop bears (*love that joke*)... :D

12-29-2004, 01:35 PM
its a little bit more complex then x=b, a=c... type of thing...

but there is one thing to it too...

its very random... but the decoder always decods it just fine...

12-29-2004, 02:28 PM
I actually meant ...

y = ax(squared) + bx + c

(sorry about that) hmmmm,

its very random... but the decoder always decods it just fine...

random ..., it must follow some pattern, in order
to be reversable. Even if the pattern it self is tiered.

Not a curve by chance ...

whooosh, (heh heh), nearly hit another pole.

good grief ... i think i'm just about to save this
page. I must be mad ...

12-30-2004, 07:13 AM
a little hint... its not quadratics...

what i did, is created this program that generates random code... and sets it in a certain pattern...

then, when i want to decode a piece of writing... i type it in (i also made the decoding program), and then press a button... and it comes out the other end... i can explain the process more deeply... but then, it will make it alot easier for you...

it has nothing to do with maths... yet anyway...

Are you U.S.A ... you'll get into trouble if thats
noticed going outside why??

12-30-2004, 11:20 AM
Yes, i was thinking later that quadratics wouldn't be
much good. Having the possibly same y value for two xes.

I'm a bit rusty on this kind of stuff, i must admit.
I do find encryption an interesting topic, and i do program
to a degree, but i
haven't really gotten around to doing much along
these lines. It's association with patterns is what
really interests me though, i think. After all,
thats all computers do really, just look for, and match
patterns, according to rule sets.

what i did, is created this program that generates random
code... and sets it in a certain pattern...

then, when i want to decode a piece of writing... i type
it in (i also made the decoding program), and then
press a button... and it comes out the other end...

If it generates "random" code, and you can reverse it
back, then you must be using some sought of embedded
key in the generated code, that your program uses
to recover it with. As you say, it "sets it in a certain
patten", that would have to mean a key of soughts is used.

A truely random scramble would, by definition, be
unrecoverable :)

Give us one more hint ... hmmm, you use the word "random"
.... and then "setting a patten .... hmmmmm

I was going to say ... could you encript the letters
"a to z", maybe, just to sample an output. Then i might
be able to figure it out :roll: heh heh.

But i get the drift that your saying, no two
generations will be the same.

Sounds a bit like shadow pass words, in that the
encryption and decoding are internal to the
program, and so not externally visible. But i'm not
real sure there either. I don't think shodowe passwords use a randomisation
technique. I could be wrong of course, as it kinda
sounds like they should at least.

You'll have to post it one day, :)

Currently though ... still working on it. :)

Arrrh, just noticed, you say

"it's got nothing to do with maths yet"

It must ?

Are you U.S.A ... you'll get into trouble if thats
noticed going outside

Pure jest :), just a play on the export restriction
laws on encryption software the states have.

Come to think of it, one of the beauties of a working
personally drawn up encryption program, would be
that, if it dosen't follow any published techniques
... then the available cracker software around
wouldn't be aware of it !. So, the plans stays safe :) :)

Still trying :roll:


12-30-2004, 12:12 PM
I'll give you another clue... this might be confusing... but, hopefully you wont be too confused :twisted:

ok... that program that generates that random code leaves a barcode inside the text clue one!! shh ... so, i can use more then one random code to code something... its not really encryption btw... its really hard to explain... i can explain it with scrabble pieces...

also... i can not decode the program with out the key, 2 keys to be percised. You need both of them to decode it... :D thats what the decoder uses to decode the data.

very confusing to explain on a forum... sorry... but, i am not good at explaining things... as you can proberly tell :D

12-30-2004, 12:26 PM
if it is on a computer it IS math. everything on a computer is represented as binary digits

12-30-2004, 12:30 PM
yeah... good point... but it doesnt rely on maths to be decoded...

12-30-2004, 03:53 PM
shal we bet?
programs/hardware (in otherwords computers at a verry low level) are but combinations of:
and, or, nand... circuits and binaries.
this means that everything is basically one huge mathematical jungle to hack trough.
computers are good at that, as long as the numbers and formulas are right that is...

01-01-2005, 06:06 AM
yeah, but a human (if he has the 2 keys), would be able to break it... it will take a very long time though... very very long...

01-01-2005, 12:16 PM
Howdy chris-harry

I'll give you another clue... this might be confusing...
but, hopefully you wont be too confused :twisted:

More intrigued,

ok... that program that generates that random code leaves a barcode inside the text clue one!! shh

Ok, heh heh

New it had to have a key somewhere.

You say it's not really encryption. In what way is it
not ?

When you say it dosen't use, or. rely on maths to
do its' job ... that sounds a little strange.
Are you saying there, that it's not directly reliant on
a formula, as a quadratic would be. Even with the two
xes generating a single y, that problem could be
worked around by just treating one or the other differently.

You mention scrabble, does it involve a form of
juxta-position, possibly in two axises. Or, at least
more than one. Which would be were the keys come into it.

I'l have to ignore the term "random" i think, in
order to deal with this. As "random" may not
be exactly what you mean.

A lot of so-called "random" generations arn't
really random at all. Being limited by the selection range
used. A truly "random" generation is just that. By
definition it becomes unsuitable for encoding purposes as it's impossible to reverse :).
Very suitable though for creating tmp file names for
sensitive processes. Thus the purpose for the
"entropy" pool, as used in Linux.

I know heh heh, ummmmmmm, encode the following.

"The dog, sat next to the log, while eating a bone"

Having the encoded version to compare against would
be curious.

Am i correct in thinking, that if you were to encode
it more than once, it would be different each time.
In that, thats what your getting at by the idea of

to be continued... heh heh :D


01-02-2005, 11:29 AM
ok... this is getting really really really confusing... :D

oh... by the way... i will post the encoded version of that text you wanted encoded tommorow...

i unpluged me computer in me room... for the tv... :D

01-03-2005, 06:38 AM
]ok... this is getting really really really
confusing... :D


If you were to randomise a character, then you
could have a sequence were the first character
represents the ascii offset needed to restore the
following character. And no two generations would
be the same, well, within the limits of the
random pool used, of course.

Something like that could just output ...

"offset char offset char etc"

But that would be dead easy to crack.

It would be nice to see what it actually looks

I'm sure no one will try to use it again'st you


01-03-2005, 10:46 AM
ok... here is what you wanted me to code

The dog, sat next to the log, while eating a bone

well... i decided to code it more then once, and i got three results...

paacsmit=j~5c8wa;[1eui],hx8:zn^t8:z7j=4ab,50p2*#./41umit^eba4$\wwemk ,usz^z>n result one

wxv3i(%^}vp}r9.'q39camz<) c6mj~*c6ms?\{p18eai*!^2hz.c(%^@dw\y3)[w\#;?)t1]~3x\ result two

xoa9v&eh{(~yl(+=}f#^--2c +53=z{453=v7@sc<k+81^7(&0ny<&eh{bow$c6'q8(%w;b>o;a]+ result three... does that give you any clues....

01-03-2005, 12:00 PM
You are very, very twisted chris-harry ... :D

I'll have to scrutinise those a bit though :roll:

heh heh

If i can't figure it over the next week, i'll admit
to it :lol:


01-04-2005, 04:55 AM
its a good code isnt it.. very hard... :D i spent hours, well... an hour trying to think up on how to code thing... but the hardest part is the programming a program so it applies to the rules of the code... any way... have fun mwahahahahaha

01-06-2005, 11:29 PM
Each generation is different, but the character count
is the same.


Yes, it is a good code ...

I can't fathom it :), could you post the source :roll:


01-08-2005, 06:58 AM
yay... its a good code... :D yippy... :D

01-08-2005, 07:10 AM
oh by the way... i will give you the main source code for it in a little while... just going on holidays... and plus, i wanna finish the code and get it out of the beta stage... that will take time... and also, sadly its written in VB (even more time...)...

01-08-2005, 11:35 AM
Hi chris-harry

oh by the way... i will give you the main source code
for it in a little while... just going on holidays...
and plus, i wanna finish the code and get it out of
the beta stage... that will take time... and also,

Yes, that would be good. Have a good holiday :)

sadly its written in VB (even more time...)

Whats that strange data-type it uses again ...
ahrr yes, a "variant".

Good Luck


02-04-2005, 12:29 AM
Hi chris-harry,

I just had an idea that stemed from a different issue.
Do you break the text to be encoded up into managable
sizes, then use them somewhat in the way of a pass-word.
Then use the password/shadow facility to get a scrambled

When you mentioned something about "i could explain it
on a scrable board", well ... a scrable board is
basically a floating cross-word puzzle. Which lead
me to think of pass-words.

( good-grief.png, i'm still here :roll: )


02-06-2005, 07:47 AM
well... close... very very very very close...

i do break the text up to be encoded...

i dont know what your talking about when you say pass-word...

but you are getting there...

02-06-2005, 04:49 PM
Not sure about this, but, I did have a chance, once, to crack someones "encryption" of data files, used for a game, once...

It basically, used text files, delimited with CR/LF characters. A complete file could be encrypted, sentence by sentence, and not one sentence was the same as the next, previous, etc...

This might be of some help...

Encryption theme:
[random ascii code value] [1st char offset by ascii value in front of sentence] [2nd char = ascii value + 1 as offset] [3rd char = ascii value + 2 as offset] [etc... to end of sentence] ...

The "key" was placed in the front of the encrypted text "line" and for every line, the "key" was different, thus, each sentence was different, in output...

The problem was, the random ascii "key" value could never exceed 255, and must never be larger than the calculation for the rest of the sentence. Long text sentences had to have smaller random "key" ascii values, or the "text" to be encrypted MUST NEVER be outside the standard "alpha-numeric" chars, i.e. a to z, zero to nine, no special chars, or extended 126 to 255 chars.

The encryption scheme was to detect the length of the sentence, detect the highest "offset" ascii value that could be used, randomly select a "key" offset that would work for the text sentence. Stored the char version of this ascii value, and then translate the remainer of the sentence using this offset, placing the translated "char" onto the encypted text line.

Decryption was simple... Read a text line in, extract the "ascii" char "key", and then "step through" un-offsetting" the remainder of the text line.

VB does this really well, coding is a little difficult, but, I'd worked on "examining" this persons data files a while back - the hard part was, some of these files were databases, and I also needed to figure out "blocking factors", text or values, etc...

So, is this what that code is all about ?

02-08-2005, 11:57 PM
That sounds a bit like an arithmetic progression, if i'm remembering correctly at all.

There are just so many ways :)

c-h is very very evil :) :)


02-10-2005, 09:03 AM
well thats me... EVIL!!! :evil:

02-10-2005, 09:15 AM
what is this code about
... well, to tell you the truth, i just decided to make it... it took me a while.

its not ecription... (sorry speeling)... anyway, well...

its just for fun...

I am thinking of another one... a bit more advanced... instead of using 2 Keys to decode the coded text, i am thinking of three... *dramatic music*... but for now... i think i will finish me year 12... :D

02-10-2005, 07:15 PM
Thought i had an idea on this, based on the scrabble board and two key hints. But it needs a little more work. Will post my "guess" when i refine it a bit better ...

but for now... i think i will finish me year 12

Makes sense :), good luck.

An optermistic pessermist once said:

It's probably a million to one that a person could get a one in a millon idea.

02-11-2005, 09:52 AM
thanks... taking it one day at a time... you know how it is... study study... rest and let the info sink in and have fun... drink.. holly crap i forgot me study... have to study again and again... :D