View Full Version : Happy New Year...

12-30-2004, 01:12 PM
I know i have been saying this in most (if not all) of me posts lately... but i wish to wish you all a happy new year, and to drive safely and to have fun... Most important... make sure your well, and stick to your resolutions.. :D and make sure you all come back in the new year, because some of you are nice, some of you are funny... and some of you are evil :twisted: like me... :D

Happy new year

01-02-2005, 04:38 PM
happy new year, i know i'm late but i just joined the web site after just learnin about knoppix



01-03-2005, 02:27 AM
isnt it great... so what were your new year resolutuions... mine was
"not to be too evil!!! (wont keep it for a week)"
"be less annoying and more helpful ( :shock: shocking... i know)"
"be more eviler!!!! (i know it conflicts with the first one, but me resolutions always conflict)"