View Full Version : boot floppys

01-01-2005, 01:37 AM
cant make boot floppys knoppix 3.7 kernel 2.6 any ideas?

Harry Kuhman
01-01-2005, 01:55 AM
.....any ideas?
Don't make boot floppies. Make a Smart Boot Manager (http://btmgr.webframe.org/) floppy, and use that to boot any bootable CD. Or install SBM or XOSL (http://www2.arnes.si/~fkomar/xosl.org/home.html) to your hard disk's MBR and be able to boot any bootable CD, any bootable hard drive partition and any bootable floppy without fooling with a boot floppy or changing BIOS settings at all, even on older machines that don't have proper BIOS support to boot from CD.

01-01-2005, 02:18 AM
i want to save my configuration of knoppix to a floppy so when i boot up i can config it from there but i cant any ideas why?. is there any other way? i dont feel brave enough to install knoppix i would rather install kanotix because it finds my sound card but it doesnt have gaim :(

Harry Kuhman
01-01-2005, 04:20 AM
cant make boot floppys knoppix 3.7 kernel 2.6 any ideas?

i want to save my configuration of knoppix to a floppy so when i boot...
Are these posts about the same thing? AFAIK boot floppies have nothing to do with saving your configuration. You should be able to save it to a floppy (or to a persistant home directory), but I've never had that work. It is different than a boot floppy.

.... i dont feel brave enough to install knoppix i would rather install kanotix because it finds my sound card but it doesnt have gaim :(
From the many posts I've seen of things breaking after a hd install that used to work from CD, I don't trust installing Knoppix to a hard disk either.

01-01-2005, 04:53 AM
ok my mistake the reason i call them boot floppys is because you use them at boot time.

ok so this is the story i got a ethernet up and running and ive booted up knoppix to test it out and it works and i wanted to save my configuration to a floppy disks i tryed to do this but it failed on all times with differnt floppy disks. so what other ways are there to save my configuration?

01-01-2005, 05:27 AM
I know from personal experience that you can save configs to a USB thumb drive, and that works fine. Boot with the thumb drive installed - chances are that it will show up on the desktop as sda1, but I suppose it's possible it could be something else. Assuming it is, save your config file to sda1. Then, when you reboot, add the cheatcode "myconfig=/dev/sda1".

To be honest, I have never tried saving configs to floppy, so I have no idea whether it's possible or not. I just don't use floppies anymore.

I like kanotix too. You do realize that you could install gaim with Klik, don't you?


01-01-2005, 05:46 AM
how exactly would i install it with klik?

i have no usb thumb drive all i have is my harddrive and a place for floppy disks.

how could i save my configuration to hardrive with out having to install knoppix?

01-01-2005, 06:59 AM
how exactly would i install it with klik?

Oh, there's a whole forum here on Klik - there should be a sticky post at the very top. Essentially, you go to a website, install the Klik client, and choose among an assortment of open source titles. Click the ones you want, and BOING they are installed to your computer in your home directory. If you set up a persistent home (or do a hd install, if that's what you prefer) they will be there the next time you boot.

i have no usb thumb drive all i have is my harddrive and a place for floppy disks.

They're pretty cheap now. You don't need a big one. Shop a round and you may be able to scrounge a 16MB for $10USD or so. That's plenty big for configs, and some other stuff too.

how could i save my configuration to hardrive with out having to install knoppix?

Just partition of piece of it. Qtparted is a program which is already on the Knoppix CD, and it makes partitioning pretty easy. Make sure to defrag your Windows HD before you partition it.

You might want to consider a poor man's installation - a lot of Knoppix users (myself included) use that as a very functional and safer alternative to a traditional hd installation. A few months ago, I posted a couple of how-tos on the WIKI, and Markus was kind enough to convert them into the new format. There are several ways of doing a PMI, but what you do essentially is to copy the CD image onto a hard drive partition, so that it runs from there, plus set up a persistent home and saved config. Since you don't have a CD drive, I assume that you are currently booting from an ISO file downloaded to your hd somewhere, using the fromiso cheatcode as read from your hard drive. If so, you essentially have a PMI already, so you just need a partition or two for your persistent home and configs file. Perhaps this (http://www.knoppix.net/wiki/Poor_Mans_Install) will be helpful to you.


01-02-2005, 06:58 PM
do i have to download these things from the klik site (not the client) like for example i want to download gaim can i go to gaims sites and install it from there using klik?

about installing kanotix. is there any documentation on it other thing then there german forum?

01-02-2005, 07:25 PM
do i have to download these things from the klik site (not the client) like for example i want to download gaim can i go to gaims sites and install it from there using klik?

about installing kanotix. is there any documentation on it other thing then there german forum?
klik takes care of everything for you, just find the program you want to install on the klik site and klik on it, then klik itself will download a "recipe" which will get the files you need. Usually these files come from debian, but something like skype will come from skype themselves and the ooo2 preview xmas present from probono comes as a straight 100M one file download from klik. You don't need to worry about any of this though, just click on the application in the klik site.

As for installing kanotix, it's quite simple and similar to the knoppix installer (NOT identical, similar). Prepare up 2G+ of free space on your hard disk and run "sudo kanotix-installer-latest-web" (once you have anet connection, this will ensure you use the latest version of the installer, it's a tiny download). The main advice for kanotix is to ALWAYS use the debian type install, too many people get confused and unexpected results with the other options and the people in the kanotix channel know the debian type install very well!

01-02-2005, 08:19 PM
the thing is i looked on the klik site and i cant find gaim i can only find the orignal yahoo messenger for linux. but i want gaim because i can use msn with it not just yahoo.
but i can just make do with the yahoo messenger and web messenger.

thank you all for your ideas and help i will over the next few days do a bit more research on this to make sure i dont mess up anything

01-03-2005, 12:27 AM
ok one last thing i can not get my sound card to work with knoppix ive tryed sound card config and this is what it says

you dont seem to be running a kernel with modular sound enabled. (soundcore.o was not found in the module search path)/
to use sndconfig you must be running a kernel with modular sound such as the kernel shipped with debian GNU/linux or a 2.2 kernel, and sound must be compiled as modules

what does this mean? how can i fix it?

01-04-2005, 03:38 AM
ok i saved my configuration to a floppy tryed to boot with a range of things none of them work. the program its self says try to boot with myconfig=scan or myconfig=/dev/auto/floppy none work ive tryed aload of other things but they dont seem to work.

01-04-2005, 05:02 AM
about installing kanotix. is there any documentation on it other thing then there german forum?

Scroll down when you get there. The bottom half is in English.


01-04-2005, 05:05 AM
the thing is i looked on the klik site and i cant find gaim



01-06-2005, 08:20 PM
i installed kanotix no problems i got gaim with apt-get and i never really noticed the lower part of the kanotix forum was in english. thank you for your help

02-18-2005, 09:36 AM
.....any ideas?
Don't make boot floppies. Make a Smart Boot Manager (http://btmgr.webframe.org/) floppy, and use that to boot any bootable CD. Or install SBM or XOSL (http://www2.arnes.si/~fkomar/xosl.org/home.html) to your hard disk's MBR and be able to boot any bootable CD, any bootable hard drive partition and any bootable floppy without fooling with a boot floppy or changing BIOS settings at all, even on older machines that don't have proper BIOS support to boot from CD.

Thanx very much for the suggestion to user Smart Boot Manager. It's helped me boot off my cd-rom on my new system .

Harry Kuhman
02-18-2005, 01:58 PM
Thanx very much for the suggestion to user Smart Boot Manager. It's helped me boot off my cd-rom on my new system .
Thanks, it's good to hear that this actually helps people. I was starting to think that any post I made suggesting SBM as a solution to this problem would always get a response of something like "Oh, I don't want to have to learn to use a new tool". It's been happening a lot lately.