View Full Version : customisation not in finished iso

01-01-2005, 11:08 AM
I have remastered a couple of time now and have gradually learned and tailored my version of knoppix, I used http://www.knoppix.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=13867

However I have just noticed the following has not made it through to my finished iso

1) KDE custome menu's that I created have been reset to original
2) desktop background is reset to original
3) I created a file in / with some notes, this has not made into the iso.
4) keyboard setting has reverted back to usa settings.

does anyone have these answers ? thanks inadvance

01-02-2005, 02:31 AM
Haven't figured those out myself yet, but is happening to me also. Been
working on a MySQL problem that think might have worked out. So might
be tackling this soon myself. But they are a problem.

Also, if you update-rc.d start/stop scripts in /etc/init.d like cupsys and
use the 'cleanup' option in the remaster scripts, they will delete those
from /etc/rc*.d so they won't be there either. I commented out the
only place found them in the remaster scripts and still does it.

Added to my KDE menu and changed the background and they all
get reset, all get now is the original menu and the background from
bootup (that I did change so isn't the default). Seems like it really
wants to use the persistant home feature. Hmmm, which makes me
think: Maybe do a persistant home, save that "somewhere" and see
if that works. I say "somewhere" cause want to try and make it on
the CD, but not sure where to put where the scripts wouldn't delete it.
Or might not include it in the compressed fs.

One thing I have done, little time consuming, but run the 'cleanup', stop
it before starts to compress and start over without the 'cleanup'. I am
saying this for the persistant home on CD or your NOTES, or startup
scripts added, cause the background and menu will still be back to orig.

01-02-2005, 09:49 AM
I'm glad it is not me, One thing I have noticed is the notes file I saved under / appears /KNOPPIX, but I am not understanding why.

I would like to avoid a persistant home as I am trying to make a customed CD with no dependancies.

01-02-2005, 06:00 PM
Keyboard setting will be overwritten by the knoppix-autoconfig script which is run on boot. The best way to get your keyboard as you want it is to use the correct cheatcodes, and even add a new lang section to knoppix-autoconfig if you need to! Editing the isolinux.cfg will let you set the "default" language (i.e. change lang=de to lang=ie) or you can set the keyboard, xkeyboard and kdekeyboard cheatcodes. If no lang= cheatcode is right for you just add your own lang= section to knoppix-autoconfig, adapting an existing language to what you need.

As for your notes file appearing under /KNOPPIX, this is normal. The remastering process does 2 things, first it creates the large compressed system which is mounted as /KNOPPIX when you have booted up, then it creates the cd image which includes this file along with the kernels, initrds, isolinux and any other files you can see if you just browse the cd. When you put your notes file in / in your remaster you are actually putting it in the root directory of the large cloop file, not the root directory of your booted knoppix system. If you REALLY want your notes file to be placed in the / directory, then you would need to add it to the initrd files (which are gzip compressed loopback filesystems, gunzip and mount -o loop), but probably you want it to go into the users home directory? If you want it in the home directory then you would add the file to the appropriate place in /etc/skel.

As for the KDE and background, you again need to be making your changes in the right place (probably /etc/skel), the remastering process wipes the users home directory (it is populated afresh each boot from /etc/skel) and I suspect this is all you are missing out on. If you are making the chages somewhere else then let us know where and I'm sure someone can point you in the right direction.

01-03-2005, 03:13 AM
I used underscores howto and moved my /home/knoppix to /etc/skel and read some other people chmod with +g to /etc/skel
and can even copy it back from /etc/skel when trying to remaster and on the harddrive everything is fine.
(ie. Background, KdeMenu)

But after burning the CD, the .kde setting/permissions look fine, but background set and Menu item added is
gone. The only background was able to change was default in /KNOPPIX folder and that was only by replacing
the original. Added a Menu Item and a desktop icon to click to start a program, the desktop icon stays and is
useable, but the Menu item is gone after remastering.

On the lang, yes, that is the way to go, change the isolinux.cfg. I also removed all the languages that don't know
from the remaster to save space.

You could use the same approach on the notes. Could add to the /KNOPPIX folder to add a F4, F5,... and display your
notes that you might want before booting,... Haven't tried that yet, so can't provide and details. Did do that on a
remaster of PartImage that I made once.

? Maybe making a persistant home and placing it in /etc/skel would work. Then tell it at boot to
scan /home/knoppix. Haven't tried it, so might not work cause not in the correct spot during scan for persistant.

There is also an issue with the compress_fs that found during using the scripts. If you add anything to runlevels
like cupsys,... and say 'yes' to clean up, it will remove any runlevels you have added. Only found it removing the
/etc/rc.*d runlevels added in one script. Commented them out and still does it, so haven't found the right spot yet.
I just let it clean up and compress, add my stuff back and then run it again and choose not to clean up.