View Full Version : captive-ntfs not working under 3.7 but fine under 3.4

01-01-2005, 10:37 PM

I have managed to get captive-ntfs working with knoppix 3.4, I have since downloaded the 3.7 iso and have tried to mount -t captive-ntfs -o uid=root,gid=root /dev/hda1 /mnt/hda1 under 3.7 and it just hangs, where as this works fine on 3.4.

I am trying this on the same version of windows (XP sp1) and I have added the missing user and group "captive" on 3.7 with no luck.

no messages are entered in /var/log/messages.

this is very frustrating.

01-02-2005, 09:55 AM
I have notived that captive-ntfs is 1.1.4 on 3.4 knoppix and 1.1.5 on knoppix 3.7,

has onyone a definitive solution to get captive-ntfs workign on 3.7, please....

01-02-2005, 01:54 PM
Hi and help !!

I have managed to successfully get your driver working under knoppix 3.4 using 1.1.4 and writing to a XP sp1 machine. But am having great difficultly under 3.7.writing to XP sp1 machine and Xp 2 and windows 2000 and 1.1.5.

+XP SP 1 machine & version 1.1.5
captive-install-acquire picks up all modules but the ntoskrnl.exe even though I have copied the the files from a working 3.4 configuration to /var/lib/captive. After a through search it finds the ntoskrnl.exe file and the process disappears.

I then try a mount ( mount -t captive-ntfs //dev/hda1 /mnt/hda1 and this process then displays the version number and the authors name and hangs and never comes back to a prompt. Ctrl+ C is needed but no messages are ever produced..
+ XP SP2 and windows 2000 ( both behave the same) version 1.1.5
captive-install-acquire picks up all modules but the ntoskrnl.exe even though I have copied the the files from a working 3.4 configuration to /var/lib/captive. During a search oy my local drives the process stops and just says killed.

I never get as far as being able to try a mount.

I have notted form the knoppix forum that under version 3.7 the captive user and groups are not created, I have created these manually but with no more or less success. Where is this user and group actually used as the u/g does not have access to var/lib/captive but root does.

Nothing seems to get logged under messages for any machines.
Is there a detailed list of instructions anywhere ?

Does the exact versions of ntfs.sys & ntoskrnl.exe etc depend on which type of ntfs partition you need to access (NT, 2000, XP and 2003 NTFS) ?

I appreciate any help.
()This has been posted on knoppix forum and the captive-ntfs mailing list.

01-02-2005, 07:11 PM
I have now found the following will allow me to read & write to NTFS partitions

using Knoppix 3.7
1) create user captive and group captive, ensure captive user has a primary group of captive ( home directory is /var/lib/captive and all options are unchecked.) uid and gid numbers does not need to be anything specific.

2) copy the ntfs.sys, ntoskrnl.exe, cdfs.sys & fastfat.sys to /var/lib/captive

3) then run mount -t captive-ntfs /dev/hda1 /mnt/hda1 and the system should be mounted. ( note that the filesystem seems to need to be unmount to write any changes to that filesystem)

Also ensure the the md5 check sums for the ntfs.sys, ntoskrnl.exe, cdfs.sys & fastfat.sys are listed in /etc/w32/-mod-id-captivmodid file other wise the mount command will just hang.

I have successfully written to XP sp1 and XP sp2 and windows 2000 NTFS drive using the files from XP SP1a serivce pack.

01-13-2005, 03:54 PM
I read your message and tried to use it as a guide but can't get captive-NTFS working on Knoppix 3.7 or Helix 1.5.
Neither seem to want to work in 2.6 mode, but I can't get them to work on 2.4 either, although I get closer.

* On 2.4, it looks like it mounts fine. I see and can read the entire NTFS filesystem structure. I can also create a file on the NTFS mount and can then read it, but it is not persistant. If I reboot or try to access the NTFS drive directly, the file was never created on the NTFS drive.
No errors are given in my process.

* On 2.6, it gasps out some stuff about LUFS and doesn't complete.

I'm doing the following:

Loading Knoppix/Helix in 2.4 mode.
mkdir /mnt/dosc
captive-install-acquire (wait until it grabs the krnl and other files available on the distro),
hit skip, skip to get out of the acquirement process
I modify etc/group to have "captive:x:101"
I modify etc/gshadow to have "captive:*::"
useradd -gcaptive -d/var/lib/captive captive
mount -t captive-ntfs /dev/hde1 /mnt/dosc

I'm new to this stuff, so I'd appreciate any help any of you can offer.

01-13-2005, 05:09 PM
I read your message and tried to use it as a guide but can't get captive-NTFS working on Knoppix 3.7 or Helix 1.5.

My understanding of it is that captive-NTFS will not work with files captured from a machine upgraded to XP SP2 so that's the first thing to check!

If you aren't on SP2 then I haven't helped you at all but perhaps Imight help someone else reading this.