View Full Version : fromhd + home dir on the same partion doesn't work (fat32)

01-03-2005, 02:27 PM

I am using Knoppix 3.7. If I try to boot from hd with knoppix fromhd=/dev/hda1 and home=scan (or home=/dev/hda1/knoppix.img or home=/mnt/hda1), I cannot mount my home directory.

I get a message that /dev/hda1 is already mounted read only, a warning that fat32 is not a good file system for a home directory and the mount failed.

On a second system where /dev/hda1 is fat16 partion, I get also a message that /dev/hda1 is already mounted read only, but afterwards everything works fine.

Any solution available for that problem? Does anybody knows where to patch that stupid fat32 warning? I suspect around there is the problem.

Best regards,

01-03-2005, 08:48 PM
Fat32 is a fine system for PH.

Knoppix however locks a drive when it boots from it.

01-04-2005, 06:07 PM
>Knoppix however locks a drive when it boots from it.

It seems to release the lock for the mounting of the loopback device knoppix.img, if the file system is FAT16. But it don't release the lock, if the file system is FAT32. Any clue why?

knoppix fromhd=/dev/hda1 and home=/mnt/hda1 works perfectly with FAT16 on /dev/hda1.
