View Full Version : Live CD looses configurations

01-03-2005, 03:16 PM
Hello all,

I'm just getting started on Linux and I'm now exploring Knoppix 3.7 Live CD.

I'm running into some dificulties. Everytime I change some of the configurations, either the Language of the keyboard, add some bookmarks on Firefox, etc... the next time I boot it, I have to configure it again.

Is there anyway of keeping the configurations on my HDD, while running Linux from CD?

01-03-2005, 07:42 PM
I'm a newbie as well, so you may not want to listen to me :)

I created a separate partition formatted in ext2 (I'm booting knoppix from an iso on an NTFS partition), this is where I have created a persistent home and where I save my knoppix configuration to.

Once you have this partition (I think it can be another hdd (or the same but different partition), fdd, usb key etc), click the penguin-->Configure-->Create a Persistent Knoppix home directory. Walk through the few steps, then make a few changes to your liking and choose the Penguin-->Configure-->Save Knoppix Configuration.

Reboot and make sure to use the codes to scan for your home and config, or explicitly define where they are ie /dev/uba1 etc

Hope this helps.

01-04-2005, 12:35 AM
You need to either make a persistant home directory (on a thumbdrive etc) or install Knoppix to HDD.

01-05-2005, 12:35 AM
I'm a newbie as well, so you may not want to listen to me :)

I created a separate partition formatted in ext2 (I'm booting knoppix from an iso on an NTFS partition), this is where I have created a persistent home and where I save my knoppix configuration to.

Once you have this partition (I think it can be another hdd (or the same but different partition), fdd, usb key etc), click the penguin-->Configure-->Create a Persistent Knoppix home directory. Walk through the few steps, then make a few changes to your liking and choose the Penguin-->Configure-->Save Knoppix Configuration.

Reboot and make sure to use the codes to scan for your home and config, or explicitly define where they are ie /dev/uba1 etc

Hope this helps.
On the contrary. Thank you very much for your excellent solution. I'll do it right away.