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View Full Version : qtparted, then windows XP sp2 unbootable.. a new trend?

01-05-2005, 07:22 AM
ok ready for the fun. I'm an fairly experienced knoppix/linux guy, done tons of knoppix installs,so I don't think this is something obvious

parents get a new compaq box, 120gb hard drive, running winxp sp2 (yea it came with sp2, kinda cool?)

hating to see it go to waste, I ran knoppix 3.6 on it, did knoppix-installer, qtparted the whole bit. I gave linux a mere 7gb after the resize.

lilo loads fine, linux boots fine, but windows refuses to boot with:

A disk read error has occurred
press ctrl-alt-delete to restart

normally this seems to be associated with hardware failure in all the places I've looked, but according to this forum (http://forum.abit-usa.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=63931&perpage=15&pagenumber=2) about using raid in winxp,there has been some modifications to do with the cluster size of the windows partitions (i think,im no raid guy.).

apparently xp sp2 doesn't like anything more than 16k clusters whereas pre-sp2 it didnt care.

somehow this all relates back to qtparted's resizing of the ntfs partition.

I can read the partition fine inside of linux, but can't get windows to boot to it either from lilo or straight up mbr.

I tried different arrangements of lilo and bios settings, and tried restoring the backed up mbr with no luck. I'm wiping the box as we speak (cause theres no data on it, its brand new + parents about to kill me), but if this is a problem that occurs with winxp sp2 we need to figure out what is going on before people start toasting their xp installs

(involuntarily toasting xp == usually bad)

any ideas?

01-05-2005, 08:23 PM
I decided to test Knoppix 3.6 in the same way you had described.

System: Dell OptiPlex GX1
CPU: Pentium-3 500MHz
RAM: 384 MB
Seagate 8.4 GB hard drive

I booted up and wiped the HD clean with zeroes 000 using Autoclave v0.3 (http://staff.washington.edu/jdlarios/autoclave/) and used option 1. I then reboot with WindowsXP SP2 corporate edition. I partitioned the HD as 1 solid NTFS C: drive. I ran through the default install. After XP was installed, I boot with Knoppix 3.6 and once it was fully loaded I opened a Konsole window and ran the installer with the command: sudo knoppix-installer

It complained that the HD was not partitioned so it opened up qtparted. I resized the 8.4 hda1 ntfs partition to 4.1GB. I then created hda2 ext3 3.5GB and hda3 swap 0.8GB. It applied my changes without any errors. I then continued the knoppix install by selecting the partitions, adding a user, passwd, root passwd & then I confirmed the install. It installed without any errors. After the install completed, I rebooted the PC and choose the default lilo boot entry. It loaded the linux kernel and then ran fsck on /dev/hda2. After it was done it continued all the way to graphical login with kdm. I logged in as my user and was presented with a normal KDE desktop. I logged out and choose to reboot the PC. At the lilo menu I choose WindowsXP/2000 and it loaded windows XP except that it went to the blue CHKDISK screen where it lets you know that it had not shutdown correctly. After it completed it reboot the PC and I had it load WinXP again. This time it went all the way to the Windows desktop.

With the exception of the blue chkdsk upon bootup, nothing was out of the ordinary and I received no errors.
I hope this helps.

01-06-2005, 11:46 PM
Fortunately for you, I have a solution.

The same problem happened to me when I was using Mandrake 9.1.

You must enter your BIOS and set the access mode for your disk to LBA.

That should solve the problem.

02-04-2005, 05:43 PM
ok ready for the fun. I'm an fairly experienced knoppix/linux guy, done tons of knoppix installs,so I don't think this is something obvious

parents get a new compaq box, 120gb hard drive, running winxp sp2 (yea it came with sp2, kinda cool?)

hating to see it go to waste, I ran knoppix 3.6 on it, did knoppix-installer, qtparted the whole bit. I gave linux a mere 7gb after the resize.

lilo loads fine, linux boots fine, but windows refuses to boot with:

A disk read error has occurred
press ctrl-alt-delete to restart

normally this seems to be associated with hardware failure in all the places I've looked, but according to this forum (http://forum.abit-usa.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=63931&perpage=15&pagenumber=2) about using raid in winxp,there has been some modifications to do with the cluster size of the windows partitions (i think,im no raid guy.).

apparently xp sp2 doesn't like anything more than 16k clusters whereas pre-sp2 it didnt care.

somehow this all relates back to qtparted's resizing of the ntfs partition.

I can read the partition fine inside of linux, but can't get windows to boot to it either from lilo or straight up mbr.

I tried different arrangements of lilo and bios settings, and tried restoring the backed up mbr with no luck. I'm wiping the box as we speak (cause theres no data on it, its brand new + parents about to kill me), but if this is a problem that occurs with winxp sp2 we need to figure out what is going on before people start toasting their xp installs

(involuntarily toasting xp == usually bad)

any ideas?

I'm a knoppix/linux newbie and had the same problem. I got it fixed, but maybe this is more of a widespread problem than once thought. My computer configuration is as follows:
hda1 = windows XP SP2 NTFS
hdb1 = originally a hidden HP recovery partition converted to knoppix (it said I didn't need a swap)
hdb2 = NTFS data partition
A few weeks ago, I decided to install knoppix onto my hdb1 using a command line partition editor. I ran it and it worked fine. A few days later, I found a problem in the install. I decided to reinstall and this time I tried using qtparted. I installed onto hdb1 again, and it worked fine; I could boot knoppix no problem. When I tried to get into Windows, it gave the same problem binary1230 had; it would not boot and told me to press Ctrl+Alt+Del to reboot. I booted to knoppix on CD and ran the progroam Test Disk which was able to recover my two NTFS partitions and I was then able to boot again. Hopefully, someone else can use this info to fix their hard drives and get this problem fixed.