View Full Version : Help Knoppix boot messages

01-06-2005, 11:40 AM
I've been using Knoppix for a while now. And was wondering how do I see the boot messages displayed by Knoppix.
I can see the messages, but after Knoppix has finished booting and has gone in to KDE. I can't find them.

How do I see what the boot messages were? Is there some sort of configuration or log file I need to see with vi editor?

I've tried "vi /var/log/messages" but that gives no output.

BTW this has been always from a Live CD for Knoppix. Knoppix has not been installed to the hard drive.

Thanks in advance.

01-06-2005, 02:30 PM
The boot messages are derived from the linuxrc file which is held in zipped form as part of
minirt24.gz from /boot/isolinux on the CD. You'll find the codes that produce the boot messages within that.
These codes and messages can be altered if you decide to do a Knoppix remaster.
/var/log/messages, if it has been set up, I believe, usually just gives output regarding programs that have been or are running.