View Full Version : LibraryLinux RunLiveCD (Knoppix 3.7)

01-09-2005, 05:50 PM
I finished....at least this incarnation. if you would like to try it the iso it is at . The aplV2.iso is the latest life. It has 49 games and Mozilla and Firefox and a cut down menu. I removed alot of the programs but left some in. I designed this for use in Libraries or student labs where you don't really people having access to some of 'standard' Linux programs. The bandwidth on this ftp server is a capped T-1 so it will probably take 2 hours to download. Sorry but this is a line which will go dead at the end of January so go for it while you can....


01-11-2005, 02:50 PM
Sorry, it seems that the previous ISO had a problem and I did not know it. Got new ISO copied over Jan 9 2005. If you download previous to this date it's got a problem. Same link ( and ISO (aplV2.iso) is the latest and best.
