View Full Version : Perplexed

01-11-2005, 07:25 AM
Hi, am new to the Knoppix work from CD world. I have burned my CD and am ready to work with the working CD.
When the first screen comes up, I have entered Knoppix, and then Knoppix24 and even have used failsafe and the following occurs.
When I use either Knoppix or Knoppix24, after it loads all the drivers and sees my system which is a 2 ghz celeron, it just goes to black screen and turns the monitor off. It never gets into the OS.

When I use the failsafe mode, it gets into the OS ok, but my mouse fails to work at all. Is there a work around this problem or what suggestions can you make?

Thanks for your help.

01-11-2005, 07:36 AM
In case of a failing hardware autodetection, try booting with any of
the "no-" options as shown:
knoppix noagp noapic nodma nopcmcia
to skip some critical parts of the autodetection system.

01-11-2005, 07:40 AM
Mine did that and I had to use:


That seemed to do the trick.

(have a FX5200 video card)