View Full Version : When full screen is not really full screen

01-12-2005, 06:58 AM
I am new to Linux and MythTV. I have just installed KnoppMyth on a machine with a PVR-250 and a Radeon 9200.

I am using the S-video out on the Radeon to my TV. I can display the MythTV GUI, but it is not entirely full screen. There are black bars around it. How do I get rid of these annoying bastard bars?

Can I get to KDE from the MythTV display? I figure I might be able to use xvidtune, but I am not sure.


01-12-2005, 04:23 PM
Sorry, no experience with KnoppMyth. You might have better luck at the KnoppMyth forums http://mysettopbox.tv/phpBB2/index.php.

01-12-2005, 04:55 PM
You need to login to post a message, and for some reason when I register it tells me that my e-mail address has been banned. Which is funny considering I have never had anything to do with anyone, in any forum, anywhere. This is the first time that I actually registered in one. I think that they just have a problem with hotmail.

Either way, I looked there, but there was no answer.

Anyone else?
