View Full Version : Captive NTFS

01-13-2005, 03:55 PM
I can't seem to get captive-NTFS working on Knoppix 3.7 or Helix 1.5.
Neither seem to want to work in 2.6 mode, but I can't get them to work on 2.4 either, although I get closer.

* On 2.4, it looks like it mounts fine. I see and can read the entire NTFS filesystem structure. I can also create a file on the NTFS mount and can then read it, but it is not persistant. If I reboot or try to access the NTFS drive directly, the file was never created on the NTFS drive.
No errors are given in my process.

* On 2.6, it gasps out some stuff about LUFS and doesn't complete.

I'm doing the following:

Loading Knoppix/Helix in 2.4 mode.
mkdir /mnt/dosc
captive-install-acquire (wait until it grabs the krnl and other files available on the distro),
hit skip, skip to get out of the acquirement process
I modify etc/group to have "captive:x:101"
I modify etc/gshadow to have "captive:*::"
useradd -gcaptive -d/var/lib/captive captive
mount -t captive-ntfs /dev/hde1 /mnt/dosc

I'm new to this stuff, so I'd appreciate any help any of you can offer.

01-14-2005, 02:22 AM
Have you tried manually unmounting the the captive-ntfs mount after you are done writing? I know I have to unmount after using chntpw for blanking NT passwords. Just a thought...