View Full Version : Mozilla can't remember (persistant home and conf)

01-14-2005, 03:57 PM
I have just successfuly created persistant home and conf spaces. It works, i.e. the files after reboot with cheat home=scan myconf=scan are still the same like at the end of the previous session.

But when entering Mozilla the browser has lost its home page, the mailer has lost my mail configuration.
The funny thing: the directory and files are still there in the /home/..../.mozilla tree. When entering the mail config again, it produces the same folders & files (except the folders carry a "-1" suffix to nake it unique agaianst the existing ones).

Does anybody know, how I can tell Mozilla to use an existing set of config (at least manually, better persistant with every restart of Knoppix-CD with persistant home&config).

Does other software behave similar? I hoped that ALL of the software has now a brain.....


01-14-2005, 05:51 PM
Ok, it' solved!

After initializing the mailacount (which is stored on the persistant home directory) I had to manually "save configuration" to the persistant config archive.
Then the information about the existence of a mail configuration is save anbd persistant.
Changed content in the mailboxes is saved automatically in the persistant home.
It seems that the same is true for things like bookmarks or home-URL in the browser section and for saved passwords.
The Kwallet seemes to be persisitant as well without explizizly saving s.th. before shut down Knoppix.
