View Full Version : Problems with kde

01-19-2005, 09:34 AM
Hi ,

I have a "throwaway" machine which I use to supply my (ungrateful) roommates with net access (Stay off my f’in machine you cretins!). To avoid complexity and fixits I decided to run Knoppix (3.4) on this “kiosk” machine. It's been working alright but with some weird video rendering issues/artifacts, but hey, good enough for the unappreciative roomies right?

Well, eventually, out of guilt, I decided, they need better video card detection; I won’t be evil about this. So I bumped up to Knoppix 3.6 which (as I was hoping for) detected the video card (old Savage 2000 card) seemingly nicely at boot. However, when Knoppix is done booting, KDE starts and renders the “default” Konqueror browser window; while its internals are functioning (i.e. you can type in and bring up URLS etc.), the window border itself is “frozen” (i.e. can’t be moved with the mouse) and is missing the “Minimize, Maximize and Close” buttons in the upper right window border (i.e. not rendered at all).

I am assuming that the CD-burn is good, because on my own newer system the CD boots and KDE runs wonderfully and without any notable malfunction. Note that the problematic "kiosk" machine has 1GB of RAM and Iwouldn't expect this to be the bottleneck. I have a schweet Debian distro running like buttah on a second drive on m machine, so I'm not too outta shape, but I want to titilate my undeserving house-mates with the sweet, sweet candies of Linux (but on a hassle free social budget) so, please, think of the children and pitch in your thoughts.

Anyone had a similar “Xwindow freeze issue”? Sound like poor monitor detection perhaps (this monitor is a Cro-Mag, Shamrock Brand, piece of craptastic, recyclable bunk – but again…good enough for the plebes, eh?)? This is, however driving me nuts, so chime in if you’re able, and thanks…

Promet =P