View Full Version : Rip DVD to HD, errors/fails but play in Xine direct from DVD

01-21-2005, 11:57 PM
Very frustrating this one. I want to rip my precious DVDs to HD but increasingly with the latest DVDs this fails. I've tried vobcopy (easy to use) cpdvd, dvdbackup and lxdvdrip. All fail on some disks, I expect from the symptoms (slow-downs) from read errors. (Sometimes a clean helps a little). I know that it's claimed that some errors are pressed into disks and I know about CSS (and more recently CPPM) - thats set up correctly, but this is it..... Xine plays them perfectly. Two things:-

1). Has anyone suggestions for a fix for ripping to HD?
2). Can anyone suggest a way to 'pipe' the good video and audio output from Xine to HD (a plugin?)

My only suggestions for 1). are slow down the drive read speed, turn off the drive error corrections or do a low level copy, like a 'raw-read' - I don't know how to do any of these.

My suggestion for 2). search on Google and the forums! - but how does Xine play them without errors showing? Can MPEG2 decoding fix errors?

Many thanks, Stu.....

01-22-2005, 12:41 AM
You should just be able to use cp to copy the files off the DVD to the hard disk and if that works it elimates your drive manipulating issues. If you really wanted to you should be able to use (afaik) dd to make a complete image of the DVD on your hard disk (dd if=/dev/dvd of=/home/you/dvds/something.img).

Of course I may no longer have a clue what I am talking about and be completely wrong.

01-22-2005, 01:26 AM
Good suggestion. A straight copy fails with "raw sense data - IO error - dev - sectors (and numbers)" in dmesg

Oddly, one of the early vob files it did copy was music which played okay-ish, I think this is something to do with the CPPM copy protection, the disk is required to be 'hybrid'
