View Full Version : I'm not able to write something!!!

01-22-2005, 11:40 AM
I rescued my Data with Knoppix from another PC and it was perfect. But now I want to rescue the personal Data from my second PC with Knoppix. But the PC has no Burner and so I'm not able to burn it on a CD like at my first PC. And now I tried to copy the Data on my USB-Stick. But then I have the problem that Knoppix is not able to write it on it. I have the same problem when I want to copy the Data on the other Partition. What I have to do or what I can do to rescue my Data. Why is Knoppix not able to write anything???

01-22-2005, 12:51 PM
knoppix is read only by default, you rightclick and choose change read/write mode (or something like it, not on knoppix now)