View Full Version : Noob onboard...

01-23-2005, 10:18 PM
Hello to all. After 13 years of playing around in DOS and growing up in the Windows Family, I have decided to expand my horizons and learn Unix/Linux. However, the only thing I know about the subject is how to spell it! With the various flavors of Linux, the hundreds of books published, and the thousand of pages devoted to, where would one recommend me to start?

I ran across Knoppix while searching for a bootable iso. I downloaded it, burned it to a CD and was simply blown away!

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Harry Kuhman
01-23-2005, 11:25 PM

01-24-2005, 05:29 PM
surf arount this and similar forums, you lern LOTS. and go to the Linux Documentation Project, they have TONS of stuff.
and for basic consle wor i could recomned http://floppix.com .
especially their labs, not 100% up to date but...
http://floppix.com/labs.html here you find basic admin tasks and good explanations of them. as i said not 100% up to date but...