View Full Version : Probelms with ISO file

01-25-2005, 08:17 AM
Hi, I've dloaded the ISO file of v. 3.7 of Knoppix. Trying to put it into a CD ROM using DAemon Tools I've discovered that the ISO file is 45 MB too large for a 700 MB CD. What is the solution?

Thanks all


Harry Kuhman
01-25-2005, 08:28 AM
Hi, I've dloaded the ISO file of v. 3.7 of Knoppix. Trying to put it into a CD ROM using DAemon Tools I've discovered that the ISO file is 45 MB too large for a 700 MB CD. What is the solution?
Did you run an MD5 check on this ISO file?

01-25-2005, 10:34 AM
You'll have to burn it as an image (search for 'burn image-file' or something like that in the menu). Just burning the isofile on the CD won't work (even if if would fit).

And, like Harry Kuhman already said, check the md5sum.

Harry Kuhman
01-25-2005, 11:13 AM
You'll have to burn it as an image (search for 'burn image-file' or something like that in the menu). Just burning the isofile on the CD won't work (even if if would fit).

And, like Harry Kuhman already said, check the md5sum.
Actually, something is very wrong with that supposed size, there is no way that the correct iso is as big as he says. Thus the first step is what it always should be, check the md5 sum. There are some other issues too, if you read his post you should spot what I'm talking about. But there was no point in getting into that until the md5 sum was checked, so I didn't get into discussions of iso burning.

01-25-2005, 02:30 PM
Once I've put the ISO file as it is into a CD how can I setup Knoppix? ISO is not an executable application!


01-25-2005, 05:28 PM
If you have Nero CD burn utility then these pages should help http://www.rocketfodder.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/MySite/Burning_Linux_Live_CD's_With_Nero_page1.htm and http://www.rocketfodder.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/MySite/Burning_Linux_Live_CD's_With_Nero_page2.htm.

After the successful burn, download a free PDF book about knoppix here http://www.pjls16812.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/knowing-knoppix/index.html.
I hope this helps.

Harry Kuhman
01-25-2005, 07:39 PM
Once I've put the ISO file as it is into a CD how can I setup Knoppix? ISO is not an executable application!
I asked one very simple straight forwrd question that you couldn't be bothered to answer, but instead you want a tutorial about all the things that you are doing wrong (and several are obvious already)? There is no point in even trying to provide all of the information that you are going to need if you will not work with us to answer simple questions, and if your first post is to be believed your ISO file is bad.

01-25-2005, 09:06 PM
About the last reply.... I've dloaded ISO file from an offcial ftp mirror. It IS bigger than 700 MB, I really cannot know if this is or not correct, understood? Your question cuold be stright, mine is too! And excuse me if I'm not mr. Thorvalds, I'ma a simply beginner and because of this I CAN do silly (in your opinion) questions. OK boy?

Thanks in any case for the useful links, surely useful.



Harry Kuhman
01-25-2005, 09:36 PM
.... Your question cuold be stright, mine is too! And excuse me if I'm not mr. Thorvalds, I'ma a simply beginner and because of this I CAN do silly (in your opinion) questions. OK boy?

Thanks in any case for the useful links, surely useful.
I've taken a lot of time to help a lot of beginners here. I was trying to do the same with you. And while I have a pretty extensive computer background, I consider myself a Linux newbiee too.

I asked one very straight forward question (even restraining from saying anything else to not distract from the question, although there are more things that you need to know):

Did you run an MD5 check on this ISO file?
I could give you the exact byte size of the Knoppix 3.7 English iso file, I have it right in front of me, that that wouldn't acomplish nearly as much as knowing one way or another if your file was both the right size and not corrupt. And it certainly wouldn't help you the next time that you download a file and don't check the md5 sum either. There is an MD5 file on the mirror right next to the iso. You want links, there are links right at the top of the page that link to DOCUMENTATION including a Downloading FAQ that will tell you how to download both the ISO and the MD5 file and how to check it. If you didn't know what I was talking about in my first post and were too lazy to do a simple Google search (http://www.google.com/search?q=md5&sourceid=mozilla-search&start=0&start=0&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official), you could have asked in your second post rather than completely ignoring the effort to help you, or in your third post rather than calling me boy, or you could have used the search feature on the top of the forum pages to search knoppix.net for discussion of the term; it has been discussed by many people in great detail to help many others here, and perhaps it would be better to read those posts than call people names and expect them to rewrite all of the information again just for you.

01-26-2005, 08:40 AM
Well, I've won my gigantic laziness and contolled MD5. Comparing the string obtained with the one written on the .md5 file dloaded from the same ftp mirror site, they are the same. And now? ISO file still remains too large for a 700 MB CD.



P.S.: I really couldn't suspect that "boy" is a bad word in english... I must remember this when I'll go in USA this summer.

Harry Kuhman
01-26-2005, 09:47 AM
Well, I've won my gigantic laziness and contolled MD5. Comparing the string obtained with the one written on the .md5 file dloaded from the same ftp mirror site, they are the same. And now? ISO file still remains too large for a 700 MB CD..
No, if the md5 sum matches then the file is right. There have been a lot of problems downloading from some mirrors that cause a Linux "new line" to Microsoft style "CR/LF" translation that does cause the file to enlarge. This should never happen for binary transfers but I have seen it a lot. Never to the size that you stated, but any such translations are enough to make the ISO corrupt and useless. And other corruption could have happened too. Thus the md5 check is important when you get the file from a mirror. It's less important (but still a good idea) if you get the ISO by Bittorrent since Bittorrent has its own checks built in.

As to the size: If the md5 matches then I'm certain that the file is right. Assuming that you are using the English ISO (the one named KNOPPIX_V3.7-2004-12-08-EN.iso), then the file will be 698 megs in size, exactly 732,942,336 bytes or 715,764 KBytes. This fits fine on a 700 meg CD with a few meg left over. And just to help recheck everything for you I recalculated my md5 (I discarded the original md5 file after I made the check and confirmed that the file was good) and my result should match what you have: a98fb9823414dc3d33c5e53f120c0339 *KNOPPIX_V3.7-2004-12-08-EN.iso. The chances of getting the same MD5 sum with any other file are too slim to even consider.

As to why you are now having a problem: You said " Trying to put it into a CD ROM using DAemon Tools.....". I haven't used this software, but their own website describes it as software used to circumvent CD copy protection and play games. They say it creates a virtual drive for you. They give no indication that it burns CD's, and in fact the web page says "DAEMON Tools is used to RUN GAMES, NOT TO BURN THEM!!!" and also talks about actually burning CDs with the phrase "Just do an image file using one of the supported burning programs and..." which says to my way of thinking that it doesn't burn CD's itself at all.

Exactly why you think your file is too large I have no idea. But if the program you talked about for breaking copy protection is what is telling you this, then my advice would be not to trust it and not to use it. The file passed MD5, the file is fine.

There were a few other posts here suggestiing software to burn an ISO. The DOCUMENTATION link at the top of this page will lead you to a "Downloading FAQ" that will give you additional information. Searching this and the Windows users forum (and maybe the lounge) will give you lots of discuussions on burning ISO images. I don't know what real burning software that you have and use to make CDs, so I'm not going to try to go into a lot of detail on how every burning program works. I will however give you these suggestions:
Look for a feature to burn an ISO or burn an image. Load Image or Open Image are likely canidates.

Do NOT just take the first option in the Nero 5 or Nero 6 wizard and create a new ISO compilation and drag the ISO to the CD, that will just write one big ISO file to the CD. which is not what you want.

Do not use any feature of your burning software that offers to make the CD "bootable". If the ISO is burned properly it will be bootable, if you use such features it will not boot into Knoppix.

Burn ithe CD, at least until you get everything booting, at 4x or slower, or even use a 700 meg CDRW until you get it right. High speed burns should boot, but often don't.

Once I've put the ISO file as it is into a CD.....
You do not want to put the ISO file onto a CD. An ISO file is a form of a CD image. You want to write the contents of the ISO to the CD. This is why you do not just drag and drop the ISO to the CD burning software.

...... how can I setup Knoppix? ISO is not an executable application!
You do know we're not talking about a program that runs under Windows here and that you would set up under windows, don't you? You do understand that under a different Operating System that a Windows concept of what is an excuitable application based on file extension may not (and will not) hold true, don't you? You're not going to be able to run this under Windows with your warez game copy protection circumvention virtual drive; you are going to be booting from a Live CD into an entire new operating system.

P.S.: I really couldn't suspect that "boy" is a bad word in english... I must remember this when I'll go in USA this summer.
That would be a real good idea, particularly in our southern states and/or amoung our darker skinned population.

Harry Kuhman
02-10-2005, 06:11 PM
ziocalepino, we haven't heard back from you and it's been a couple of weeks now. Have you resolved whatever reason it was that you thought the iso was too large? Did you get a tool that would burn it properly? Have you managed to boot into Knoppix?