View Full Version : Some problems after remastering

01-25-2005, 09:18 AM
Hi everyone,

I've remastered V 3.3 fo KNOPPIX and called it as YaLICaT (Yet another Linux Information Center and Tutor). It is working fine, but I've a few minor problems: -

1. After modifying the "linuxrc" file in miniroot.gz, it is displaying the prompts/messages (Probing SCSI .., Looking for CDROM etc.) one by one each on separate line instead of replacing the old one as in original KNOPPIX (probably the effect of echo -n). I've not modified anything from the "linuxrc" except for changing KNOPPIX to YALICAT and knoppix to yalicat. Can anyone give some solution? I've used vi and kwrite editors to modify the file and all echo commands including -n option are unmodified.

2. I've modified the "init" script in /sbin directory with "khexeditor" to change the instance of knoppix to yalicat and /KNOPPIX to /YALICAT. I've also modifed the "knoppix-reboot" and "knoppix-halt" scripts to reflect the changes, but when it shuts down and unmounts the devices, it still prints "Unable to unmount /KNOPPIX, trying /dev/cloop instead". I couldn't figure out from where does this message is coming. Any idea?

3. Can someone point out from where the picture of penguine in top left corner comes from when KNOPPIX boots?

Thanks in advance...

01-28-2005, 09:24 AM
Hi everyone,

I lit my own tubelight.

Solution to problem No. 1:

I just edited the original "linuxrc" file with "joe" text editor and now it works as intended.

A hint about problem No. 2:

The file "/etc/mtab" shows /dev/cloop mount at /KNOPPIX. I changed this file in working remastered and got desired output. I'll try it on new remaster.

I hope it will help someone.

01-29-2005, 09:44 AM
3) For linux 2.4.x I know theres a fblogo is what its called, its linux_logo.h (fblogo and linux_logo.h as searchterms)

probably called the same thing on 2.6 but I haven't made the plunge into 2.6 :)

02-01-2005, 09:26 AM
3) For linux 2.4.x I know theres a fblogo is what its called, its linux_logo.h (fblogo and linux_logo.h as searchterms)

probably called the same thing on 2.6 but I haven't made the plunge into 2.6 :)

Thanks for the tip. It is linux_logo.h. But any idea how to modify it? :?

Solution to problem No. 2: -

The original "mtab" file in "etc" directory of "miniroot.gz" contains this line. I modified it and it works.

Another Problem
Whenever we boot knoppix in run level 2 and give the command "startx" it doesn't show user name as "root" in K menu, but reads the configuration files from somewhere. Where are these default files located?

Let me explain my problem in detail. As told earlier, I've changed KNOPPIX 3.3 to "YALICAT". Obviously I changed the menu entry "knopppix" in K menu to "YALICAT" with its icon. The changes have been reflected in "/usr/share/applnk" and "/etc/skel". But whenever I give "startx" command after booting in run level 2, it rebuilds the menus, shows the icon I setup but the name of menu and its entried with "KNOPPIX". I couldn't figure it out from where it is reading the configuration files. Same problem arose when I installed it in harddisk. The user "yalicat" had proper menus as I had setup but the user "root" had this type of menu - icon what I setup, but the name "KNOPPIX". I changed it in harddisk install and it is working now.

A temporary solution I tried was to boot in run level 2 and modify "/etc/X11/Xsession.d/45xsession" file as follows: -

1. Added a line after the line setting the variable "HOME" as
[ "$USER" = "root" ] && HOME="/root"

2. Immediately after the start of "startkde" function I changed argument the first "rsynch" command from "/etc/skel/{.kde,.gnome}" to "/etc/skel/".

Then it worked.

Anyone has some idea. I don't want to keep this nag in my remaster. It'll work if I change "45xsession" file of my remaster, but will it work after hard disk install?

Please help......