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01-28-2005, 02:29 AM
i have been lQQin around trying to find out how to run knoppix 3.4. from a hp with xp home edition installed. my boot screen gives everything but the sequence to boot from. i.e fail safe mode ect.. ect... i have success running it from my work cpu which is using xp pro which gives u the choice of which drive to boot from. this is my first foray into a new operating system so i am not to savvy on command lines and such especially when my wife is scared to death that one wrong button and kaboom. i would like to show her linux as i was quite impressed with what i saw with knoppix.

Harry Kuhman
01-28-2005, 02:32 AM
Knoppix should have nothing to do with which OS you have installed to the hard drive. Just make sure that your BIOS lets you boot from the CD before it goes to the hard drive.

01-28-2005, 03:04 AM
i was afraid this would happen. how to get to the part where it says which drive. xp home ed doesn't have a multiple check box like xp pro has.

Harry Kuhman
01-28-2005, 03:11 AM
i was afraid this would happen. how to get to the part where it says which drive. xp home ed doesn't have a multiple check box like xp pro has.
It has nothing to do with XP. It's a BIOS setting. You need to enter the BIOS before XP boots (often but not always done by typing the DEL key at boot time). There should be a setting for which device you boot first from.

It sounds like you have no experience with BIOS settings. Take some care that you do not change anything that you do not understand, you could do bad things to the computer. If you have problems post back the exact make and model of the computer, someone who knows that model likely can help you.

01-28-2005, 03:26 AM
http://www.knoppix.net/wiki/Downloading_FAQ#Q:_My_computer_won.27t_boot_from_C D._What_should_I_do.3F

i havent found a new user to linux (including myself) that didnt get the knoppix disk to boot for one reason or another first time.

01-28-2005, 03:49 AM
i am using a 1 yr old hp with all the bells and whistels, with xp home ed installed. i hit f8 in order to get to the boot up screen. now what. your r right , i don't have any experience with the bios and believe me there is no way iam going to hit any buttons unless i am sure of what i am doing. at work i got to see the knoppix os very easily but by using xp pro. maybe after hitting f8 then i should hit the del button.
p.s. i dont mean to ignore anyone who post but being a noobie it will take me awhile to figure out how to respond to people individually

Harry Kuhman
01-28-2005, 03:55 AM
i am using a 1 yr old hp with all the bells and whistels, with xp home ed installed. i hit f8 in order to get to the boot up screen. now what. .....
no, f8 gets you to the Windows boot screen. Too late. Shut everything down (computer completely powered off). Turn the computer on. Hit the DEL key and stay parked on it until the BIOS screen comes up. If that doesn't work then post back the model of the computer, not just that it's an HP.

01-28-2005, 04:55 AM
Check the manual that came with the laptop. There should be info in there on how to force a boot from CD or what key to use to adjust your setup options.

01-28-2005, 08:07 PM
some laptops you just have to hit a key to change bootorder.
one I have seen on a few models was to hit "esc" just when the screen started showing the logo of the manufacturer.

01-29-2005, 01:00 AM
i am using a 1 yr old hp with all the bells and whistels, with xp home ed installed. i hit f8 in order to get to the boot up screen. now what. .....
no, f8 gets you to the Windows boot screen. Too late. Shut everything down (computer completely powered off). Turn the computer on. Hit the DEL key and stay parked on it until the BIOS screen comes up. If that doesn't work then post back the model of the computer, not just that it's an HP.

ohhhhh!!!!!! i got it now i will try when i get home and let u know how it goes. like i said before i really like the way knoppix version of linux works. thanx again

02-02-2005, 01:54 AM
thanks for the help i got it up and running.... even used cheatcodes to get the blank screen to finally cooperate. now for my next trick i will read the post on how to configure the printer and also how to get my dial -up internet connection to work. my wife likes the looks but thinks i am crazy for working so hard to get this cpu to do what windows allready does.
thanx again

02-02-2005, 02:04 AM
women just dont understand :lol:

02-03-2005, 06:20 AM
so true.
Tell her that even running from the CD, Knoppix will be more stable than Windows has ever been. Also show her The GIMP. Photoshop replacements are sexy. ;)