View Full Version : Editing MyConfigs File

04-04-2003, 01:00 PM
How does one edit the saved configs.tbz file in my root directory. I tried editing it in Windows using WinRAR to open and save with notepad as the editor. I saved the old file and tried the new. There were errors of all kinds. How should I edit this in Linux. For Example my network card is listed as Disabled in this saved file. I want to at least enable it rather than having to install it everytime I run Knoppix. I anm a real Newbee. Any help would be appreciated.


04-07-2003, 10:34 PM
The file extension .tbz is 'shorthand' for .tar.bz. .bz is a form of zip compression. WinRAR would not be able to open this type of compressed file. In order to open this in Linux I would do this from the command prompt:

cd /the_directory_that_contains_the_file
tar xvjf configs.tbz

Then you will see a new file named 'configs'
cd configs

This will show you everything in the uncompressed file.