View Full Version : Can-t write nothing on mnt/hda2

02-07-2005, 03:02 PM
Hi, somebody can tell me how can I write something on mnt/hda2 _
When i try to do it I receive an Could not make folder mnt/hda2/new error... About the same error appears if I try to write a file..

(I use the live cd...)

Harry Kuhman
02-07-2005, 03:15 PM
Is it a FAT partition (which is ok to write to) or an NTFS partition (which you will corrupt if you write to)?

02-07-2005, 03:37 PM
it is an nfts partition... so i can-t write nothing on it?

02-07-2005, 04:21 PM
it is an nfts partition... so i can-t write nothing on it?

NTFS is proprietary for Microsoft, though a few Linux "guru's" have worked out some driver support for it, you can try them...

Look at information on "Captive NTFS" -=- possibly do a search on Knoppix.net on the subject captive ntfs -=- or look at the Documentation (Wiki) on the subject.

Hopefully, this helps,
Ms. Cuddles

02-07-2005, 05:20 PM
Thank you for your answers but when i tried to use the script that is written here http://www.knoppix.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=16798&highlight=captive+ntfs
I get this error (after the last line)

root@ttyp0[knoppix]# mount -t captive-ntfs /dev/hda5 /c
W32 filesystem .sys module not found: /var/lib/captive/ntfs.sys at /sbin/mount.captive-ntfs line 65.
You should run captive-install-acquire(1) of 'captive-install' package,
otherwise you can also acquire this file from URL:
and I don-t know what shall I do...

Howewer I don-t absolutely need to write on this partition... I have to burn a file from a computer on a lan and i thought that to move it on this computer was the better way, but if you can tell me another way to do it will howewer be ok..
(I can-t move it to desktop because the file is too big and it says Kdesktop> disk full or something similar...)

Thank you in advance for your answers..

02-07-2005, 05:23 PM
if its a small file save it to floppy. or email it to your self

02-07-2005, 05:44 PM

I would suggest you do what pureone suggested, as a quick fix...

If you plan to do a lot of this "passing files" stuff, possibly look into how you can make a small, possibly a 1 GB partition on your NTFS drive, and make it FAT -=- I am quite sure Windows has utilities to do this, and not harm your data or system files retained on your Windows NTFS drive... ( or possibly, add another hard drive into your system that can be used as a FAT )

Having a "common" format partition, a FAT partition, that is, can help in the long run - that way, Windows can "use" that partition, and so can Linux / Knoppix... The whole NTFS stuff can be "If'y" at best - and playing around with a Windows partition can possibly cause "Windows" not to be happy - something you dont want to do, I am sure :)

02-07-2005, 05:57 PM
I can-t use Windows so I can-t create any FAT partition and the file I would like to burn it-s too big...
Can-t I make the Kdesktop (I mean "partition" where the files are when you put them to the desktop..) the bigger in order to put the file there and then burn it?

02-07-2005, 06:10 PM
I think the problem is that you are booting off the CD. When you boot off the CD, your RAM ( or memory ) is being used as a RAM DISK, that is where the OS, and file system, and even your desktop, is being stored - in memory. You only have so much memory, and thus, the "disk full" error you are getting, is that you have exceeded the RAM that is being used as your disk drive...

You could create a folder / directory, on the file system, but, then again, that will still only be in your current RAM, still. What you need is a "physical" hard drive. And preferably not NTFS, unless you want to follow the instructions that your error message stated... Which, "might", get your NTFS working ( no promisses, I've never worked within NTFS, nor from the Linux side )

02-07-2005, 06:54 PM
Ah... so here-s why the computer was very slowly after the partial copy of the file...
I tried to go to the link that the error stated but the file I can download there is a .exe files that works only on Windows XP Professional Checked Build...

02-07-2005, 07:17 PM

the nice thing about a Live CD OS, is, all you have to do is reboot, and everything goes back to normal :) ( the file will be evaporated in memory, upon a shutdown, or reboot )

This can either be a good thing, or a bad one - especially if you want to keep a file, and dont save it to a "physical" location

Harry Kuhman
02-07-2005, 10:20 PM
I can-t use Windows so I can-t create any FAT partition and the file I would like to burn it-s too big...
Can-t I make the Kdesktop (I mean "partition" where the files are when you put them to the desktop..) the bigger in order to put the file there and then burn it?
You don't need windows to make a FAT partition. However, you might need Windows to defrag your NTFS partition so that you can move all the space to the end and then resize it (with some 3rd party tool like Partition Magic) so that you have space for the FAT partition. If you have space for a FAT partition (or don't need anythoing on the NTFS partition and want to delete it) then you can create a FAT partition with tools in Linux or with a third party product (I use Ranish Partition Manager that is part of XOSL, although it's not everyone's favorite).

If you don't run windows then you certainly don't want to have NTFS partitions around; it's not clear from your post if you no longer run Windows or if you just can't get your copy to run at the moment and are trying to fix something.

Other options to what to do with the file along with the floppy solution already mentioned and mailing it to yourself would include a USB Flash memory device, adding a hard drive to the computer, temporary Internet storage such as available from yousendit.com. It might help to know the size of the file (would have saved someone from suggesting a floppy, for example) and even how much memory you have on your system. Do you have multiple CD drives on the system such that you can boot from one and burn to the other? By any chance do you have other computers that can be networked such that you could store the file on a diferent computer?

I would use great care with captive NTFS. I have not used it, but from what I've seen posted by those that have I'm not completely convinced that it is really safe. Maybe it is, maybe it just lowers the chances of corruption.

02-16-2005, 11:11 AM
Each time to access ntfs from knoppix running from cd, I run simple script without using any other programs. If your settings are saved on hd, you need to run this script once, and only mount ntfs next.

Detailed and updated instruction how to write to ntfs posted here:



09-01-2007, 05:53 AM
I have a 160GB Western Digital USB drive (formatted FAT 32) which has about 45GB of free space as reported by Win XP. On another computer running KNOPPIX, where I am trying to copy files from a damaged HD to this USB drive, KNOPPIX incorrectly reports this disk full. I don't believe that it is a permissions issue because I set them to RW - and I can delete files from the USB and then re-write them. e.g. I CAN delete 10MB worth of files on the USB and then write 10MB from the old HD to the USB drive - as long as I use Knoppix. Stranger still, I put the USB drive on my Windows machine, deleted 10GB of stuff, put it back on the knoppix machine - and Knoppix did not recognize the 10GB freed up. It's as if Knoppix has its own FAT and it has been messed up somewhere. Can anyone help me on this one?

09-05-2007, 08:09 AM
I have a 160GB Western Digital USB drive (formatted FAT 32) which has about 45GB of free space as reported by Win XP. On another computer running KNOPPIX, where I am trying to copy files from a damaged HD to this USB drive, KNOPPIX incorrectly reports this disk full. I don't believe that it is a permissions issue because I set them to RW - and I can delete files from the USB and then re-write them. e.g. I CAN delete 10MB worth of files on the USB and then write 10MB from the old HD to the USB drive - as long as I use Knoppix. Stranger still, I put the USB drive on my Windows machine, deleted 10GB of stuff, put it back on the knoppix machine - and Knoppix did not recognize the 10GB freed up. It's as if Knoppix has its own FAT and it has been messed up somewhere. Can anyone help me on this one?

I am experiencing the exact same problem with my 80gb western digital usb drive. When I attempt to transfer files to the usb external knoppix states that the disk if full, when i have 80gb free? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.