View Full Version : USB stick detected and works OK but cannot save home to it

02-10-2005, 07:25 AM
In Knoppix 3.7 (knoppix26) my USB stick is detected as /dev/uba1 and I can read and write files to it.
But when I try to create a persistent home directory, configure does not give me the choice of /dev/uba1, only /dev/hda1.
I tried switching read only off on /dev/uba1, but still /dev/uba1 does not show up in the configure choices.
I can save the home directory and config to /dev/hda1 though.


02-10-2005, 09:39 AM
Try kernel 2.4.x, this doesn't know about the new ubx devices (the stick should show up as sda1). Or "mkdir /mnt/usb; mount -t vfat /dev/uba1 /mnt/usb" and save your data to /mnt/usb - but I doubt this will help you with a persistent /home. At least you would have saved your data for the next session.