View Full Version : Running Scribus

02-10-2005, 11:42 AM
I am keen to try the Scribus DTP application and have been advised to obtain the Knoppix CD and run it from there. On the Scribus website the following requirements are listed for installing Scribus, and I wonder whether I can expect to find them all on the Knoppix disk? I would be very grateful for any pointers (preferably at the level of An Idiot's Guide) on how to get going.

For Scribus 1.1.2+ GCC 3.x+ is required, GCC 3.2+ is strongly recommended. The Scribus Team has tested compiling with GCC 3.4 and recommends its use, if available, for the performance benefits.
autoconf 2.53+
automake 1.6.3+
The dependencies for compilation, and also to run Scribus are:
Qt 3.1.0+, both the runtime libraries and development libraries, we strongly recommend using Qt 3.3.2+.
Python and python-devel libraries 2.3+.
Freetype2 2.1.3+.
libart_lgpl 2.3.10+, 2.3.16+ recommended.
libxml 2.6+.
Ghostscript > 6.53+. GNU Ghostscript 7.07+ or AFPL Ghostscript 8.14 is highly recommended.
Postscript-Fonts. TrueType Fonts. Scribus also can support OpenType fonts both TrueType and Type 1 Outline OpenType Fonts in 1.1.1+.

02-10-2005, 08:20 PM
According to http://debian.tu-bs.de/knoppix_cd/packages.txt, Knoppix 3.7 includes scribus on the CD. Thus you do not need to download and compile/build scribus by hand.
Visit http://www.knoppix.net/wiki/Downloading_FAQ for help in getting & burning the Knoppix CD image.
Download, burn, reboot with Knoppix.
I hope this helps.

02-11-2005, 02:35 PM
It helps heaps. Many thanks.