View Full Version : where can I find sndconfig?

02-10-2005, 01:02 PM
Hi every body,
I am looking for the sound configuration.
Knoppix detects automatically my sound card (isa card: Ess 1869 ) and use sb module, While in another machine ( same type) debian sarge fails to find it , so I want to get the knoppix-soundcardconfig to install it in my sarge machine.
thank for help.

02-10-2005, 04:31 PM
I don't have an answer for finding and installing the knoppix sound configure utility in sarge

I wonder though if you have tried "alsaconfig" at a console in debian? If you haven't
that might get sound working for you.

02-11-2005, 05:22 PM
Yes, I tryed alsaconf, without result.
while kudzu found the card. The problem is that kudzu in not from debian so, probably the result of kudzu is not used by tle modul-loader of debian??
any way I found the link to the knoppix softwar, for those who are interested :


see also a mail:

best regards