View Full Version : mozilla, konqueror seg fault

02-11-2005, 05:30 AM
I am unable to use mozilla or konqueror on 3.7, both get seg faults. Very nasty.
That's when I boot to 2.6, is this normal? I know 2.6 is listed as experimental.
(2.6 has been out for a while now, when does it move from experiemental?)

02-11-2005, 05:44 AM
I just booted into the 2.4 kernel and mozilla, konqueror seg fault on there too.
gimp works ok, although I see a lot of artifacts when painting for example.

Just try to determine if this is expected behavior

02-11-2005, 04:37 PM
I could be wrong but it seems like something is going wrong during loading/booting.
(You're running from live cd correct?)
Konqueror and moz are pretty stable normally.

Can you open either of those from a console/terminal and then
copy and paste the complete output here? Maybe that output
and perhaps the output of "dmesg" will give someone here a clue
as to what's going on.

02-12-2005, 09:09 AM
I am running from live cd and there isn't any error, jsut segmentation fault, how can I create a core file?