View Full Version : Error customising Knoppix 3.7

02-11-2005, 02:03 PM
What I am trying to do is add the mmls program to Knoppix 3.7

I was following the Knoppix customising instructions at:


I removed the Open office package and then copied the mmls file into the knx\source\KNOPPIX\bin directory.

I was at the following step:

Now we'll make the big KNOPPIX file which is a cloop compressed ISO 9660 filesystem : mkisofs -R -U -V "KNOPPIX.net filesystem" -publisher "KNOPPIX www.knoppix.net" -hide-rr-moved -cache-inodes -no-bak -pad /mnt/hda1/knx/source/KNOPPIX | nice -5 /usr/bin/create_compressed_fs - 65536 > /mnt/hda1/knx/master/KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX

I get to:

[ 9] Block # 24577 size 65536 -> 8287 [compression ratio 12% overall 37%]

Does anyone know why the build is killing itself and stopping (I have tried it twice)? Is there a better meathod to add the mmls function (the file is only ~200 k).



02-12-2005, 06:08 AM
I get to:

[ 9] Block # 24577 size 65536 -> 8287 [compression ratio 12% overall 37%]

Does anyone know why the build is killing itself and stopping (I have tried it twice)? Is there a better meathod to add the mmls function (the file is only ~200 k).



Do you have the required RAM and swap space (1 GB or more)? If yes, had you forgot to enable swap space before starting compression?

Check and reply..

02-12-2005, 04:25 PM
No my machine only has 256 MB of RAM. For that reason I input (from the instructions):

cd /mnt/hda1/knx ; dd if=/dev/zero of=swapfile bs=1M count=750 ; mkswap swapfile ; swapon swapfile

I figured that command would give me the swapspace I needed. Do I have to enable that someway?


02-14-2005, 09:10 AM
No it is fine. It is giving you the required swap space. But I recommend you to have swap of 1GB i.e. change the count=750 to 1000 in the command and retry. I faced similar problem once but the reason was that I hadn't enabled enough swap space.

Tell the results.

02-14-2005, 04:46 PM
Thank you so much. That worked, guess didn't have enough swap space.

Thanks again.



Do you know if there is a way to remove the checksum from the knoppix cd? (I have seen numerous post about this but no respose).

Why I ask is because:

I am trying to use Magic ISO (http://www.magiciso.com/) to create a tripple dual boot Helix, DOS and KNOPPIX CD/DVD. So I can boot either Helix or KNOPPIX or Snapback/Ghost in DOS.

When I Setup the dual boot and try to boot to Helix I get the following error: (I assume KNOPPIX would be the same, thus far I have only tried a dual boot CD using DOS and Helix)

"ISOLINUX 2.04 (Debian, 2003-06-06) isolinux:
Image checksum error, sorry..."

All the files from the original ISO image are present on the CD the only thing that has changed is the dual boot option.

Is there a way to remove the checksum that occurs at boot?


(Would it be better for me to start a new topic for this subject?)

02-15-2005, 09:06 AM
Do you know if there is a way to remove the checksum from the knoppix cd? (I have seen numerous post about this but no respose).

All you have to need is to remove the md5sums file from the source of CDROM (I guess you are using original FAQ of remastering then this directory will be "knx/master") and then don't type the command that updates the checksums i.e. rm -f KNOPPIX/md5sums; find ...... something like this. Only give the command starting with "mkisofs" to create the iso.

Tell the progress.

02-15-2005, 04:08 PM
Do you know if there is a way to remove the checksum from the knoppix cd? (I have seen numerous post about this but no respose).

All you have to need is to remove the md5sums file from the source of CDROM (I guess you are using original FAQ of remastering then this directory will be "knx/master") and then don't type the command that updates the checksums i.e. rm -f KNOPPIX/md5sums; find ...... something like this. Only give the command starting with "mkisofs" to create the iso.

Tell the progress.

So i went from the step where you make the big KNOPPIX file. then i did:
cd /mnt/hda1/knx/master

I skipped the step:
rm -f KNOPPIX/md5sums; find -type f -not-name md5sums -not -name boot.cat -not -name isolinux.bin -exec md5sum '{}' \; >> KNOPPIX/md5sums

I then went to the step:
mkisofs -pad -l -r -J -v -V "KNOPPIX" -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -b boot/isolinux/isolinux.bin -c boot/isolinux/boot.cat -hide-rr-moved -o /mnt/hda1/knx/knoppix.iso /mnt/hda1/knx/master

At this piont i get the error:
mkisofs: Uh oh, I cant find the boot image 'boot/isolinux.bin' !

Any suggestions on how to include this but not the chucksum?


02-16-2005, 07:00 AM
The command looks OK.

Check if there is a boot directory in the master with isolinux directory.

If yes, have you really given the command "cd /mnt/hda1/knx/master".

Is your remaster really on "hda1" partition or somewhere else...?

Update me...

02-16-2005, 01:45 PM
The command looks OK.

Check if there is a boot directory in the master with isolinux directory.

I checked and there is a boot directory in the master with a directory isolinux inside of it. Inside of the isolinux direcotry there is a file: isolinux.bin

If yes, have you really given the command "cd /mnt/hda1/knx/master".

I re-entered the command just to be sure and yes I am in the /mnt/hda1/knx/master directory.

Is your remaster really on "hda1" partition or somewhere else...?

Techincally no, my remaster is on hda2 but starting from the begining of the "Remastering Howto" I changed:
mount -rw /dev/hda1 /mnt/hda1 to mount -rw /dev/hda2 /mnt/test

Throughout the instructions anywhere I saw a "hda1" I changed this to a "test" (the mount point for hda2).

Should there not be a boot directory in the /knx/master directory?


02-17-2005, 05:20 AM
The commands look OK. But the problem with the mkisofs command, which itself is reporting, that it can't find boot file "boot/isolinux.bin". So, the only possibility I can think out is a typing mistake or the file isolinux.bin may be corrupt. Try to replace boot directory with the boot directory of original CD and tell the progresss.

02-18-2005, 01:56 PM
The commands look OK. But the problem with the mkisofs command, which itself is reporting, that it can't find boot file "boot/isolinux.bin". So, the only possibility I can think out is a typing mistake or the file isolinux.bin may be corrupt. Try to replace boot directory with the boot directory of original CD and tell the progresss.

It looks like it was a typing mistake, i can't beleive it... after the error i even checked the typing but i left out the isolinux folder in /boot/isolinux/isolinux.bin and skimming over it i must have missed the mistake.

I am going to try to burn the iso today and add a file to it to see if it still does the checksum, i will report back later

........I made the iso file and then used an iso modifying program to remove a couple of readme files to test the checksum. I made a cd with the new iso and when i booted with the new iso it still gave me the checksums error.

So I went through and looked to see if there were any md5sums files in in the /mnt/hda1/knx direcotires and I found one in:
/mnt/hda1/knx/master/KNOPPIX/ md5sums

I am not sure if this has any meaning or not.


02-19-2005, 05:19 AM
So I went through and looked to see if there were any md5sums files in in the /mnt/hda1/knx direcotires and I found one in:
/mnt/hda1/knx/master/KNOPPIX/ md5sums

I am not sure if this has any meaning or not.

Yes, this is the checksum file. I had asked you to remove it before making the iso.
First remove it then make iso. Why are you using iso modifying program to modify the iso.? Just make changes to the master folder and make iso.

After removing the "md5sums" file, you should not get any cheksum errors...

Post the results...

02-19-2005, 05:26 AM
Alright, cool, I will try that, though will not be untill monday

I thought that by leaving out the step:
rm -f KNOPPIX/md5sums; find -type f -not-name md5sums -not -name boot.cat -not -name isolinux.bin -exec md5sum '{}' \; >> KNOPPIX/md5sums

the checksum would not be included. All that I do is delete that file before making the iso, there is not anything that is going to call that file and when it is missing it will error out?

Thanks, I will give it a try.

02-21-2005, 03:44 PM
After removing the md5sums file and recompiling using the mkisofs -pad -l -r -J etc... comand I still received an error when I later removed some files from the iso.

(Looking back all I did was "rm md5sums". At the time I was not "chroot" into the copied KNOPPIX. Does this make a difference?

Why are you using iso modifying program to modify the iso.? Just make changes to the master folder and make iso.

I am using ISO magic (the iso modifying program) so that I can make the cd a duel / tripple boot cd. Is is the program that adds the menu to boot to the different "operating" systems on the CD.

02-24-2005, 09:19 AM
I am using ISO magic (the iso modifying program) so that I can make the cd a duel / tripple boot cd. Is is the program that adds the menu to boot to the different "operating" systems on the CD.

Can you elaborate your process, what exactly are you doing after remastering knoppix? What kind of dual/triple booting you are trying?

02-24-2005, 09:41 PM
I am using ISO magic (the iso modifying program) so that I can make the cd a duel / tripple boot cd. Is is the program that adds the menu to boot to the different "operating" systems on the CD.

Can you elaborate your process, what exactly are you doing after remastering knoppix? What kind of dual/triple booting you are trying?

I am trying to either get a dual boot of knoppix and helix (if you do not know helix is, it is a forensic costomization of knoppis http://www.e-fense.com/helix/index2.html ) or a tripple boot of knoppix / helix / dos (for ghost and snapback utilities).

I am trying to use this dual/tripple boot cd/dvd at work to make forensic backups and recoveries of hard drives. Using preferably helix, snapback if it fails, to backup the drive; then using knoppix to restore this image, if necessary, to a different hard drive. It would be advantagious for me to have all these bootable tools on one cd/dvd.

After remastering knoppix, and helix I use "ISO Magic" to pull the boot images off the ISO images. I also pull the boot image off of my bootable snapback cd. This being done I can add each ISO to the new CD image within "ISO Magic" and point each boot image to its appropiate ISO. "ISO Magic" then creates a dual / tripple boot cd/dvd with a menu allowing you to select either the helix, knoppix or snapback boot image to boot from. Snapback boots fine, but if I try to boot from knoppix I get the checksum error because the cd/dvd contents have changed.

What is causing it to call the checksum? Idealy I would just like to stop it from doing this checksum verification.

If this is not possible is there a way to create a new checksum once the dual/triple boot cd/dvd is created?


02-25-2005, 11:46 AM
From your description it appears that you are removing boot.img file from the iso or using a copy of boot.img in your CD outside the iso. (Am I right?). Perhaps this tempering with iso file is causing the problem. If yes, then I think you don't need to make your knoppix iso bootable. Just delete the lines "-b KNOPPIX/boot.img -c KNOPPIX/boot.img" from the iso creation command (don't include the md5sums file, delete it if you have created it again) and create the iso. Copy the boot.img file to dos partition and go ahead with the process of creating the bootable CD.

Another thing you can try is to look for help in iso-magic to see if there is an option of creating checksum from within the program. If yes let it compute the checksums for your iso.

I hope I have understood your problem in a right way. Tell me the progress. Good luck..! :D

02-25-2005, 02:50 PM
when I try to make the iso using the command:

mkisofs -pad -l -r -J -v -V "KNOPPIX" -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -hide-rr-moved
-o /mnt/hda1/knx/knoppix.iso /mnt/hda1/knx/master

I get the following error:
"Segmentation Fault"

Do you know what would cause this?

I believe what "ISO Magic" does it create a new boot.img using the old one and renames it to 1.img, 2.img, etc. and references these instead of the original boot.img depending on which boot option you choose (helix, knoppix, snapback).

I am not sure if it deletes the old boot.img files or just ignores them while referencing the new ones.

Also, I am not sure I completely understand what you want me to try. You want me to copy the boot.img file to the dos partition and then make the boot CD? I am not sure about this step.


02-26-2005, 06:08 AM
mkisofs -pad -l -r -J -v -V "KNOPPIX" -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -hide-rr-moved
-o /mnt/hda1/knx/knoppix.iso /mnt/hda1/knx/master

I'm sorry, my fault. I gave the suggestion using my experience of 3.4. I've no experience of 3.6 or 3.7 yet. But I can see the options "-no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table". These options are related to making a bootable CD. Delete them too and then retry.

Also, I am not sure I completely understand what you want me to try. You want me to copy the boot.img file to the dos partition and then make the boot CD? I am not sure about this step.

What I want is as follows: -
1. Create an iso using the file with modifications above.
2. Copy your boot.img (and of course your knoppix iso) of knoppix from remaster directory to a DOS partition.
3. When your software asks for boot.img (or boot image) give it the path of the boot.img you copied to your DOS partition.
4. Don't modify the newly created iso with the software.
5. Look for help or any option in your software for creating or verifying checksum.
6. If available, recomputer checksums (through your software) of the contents you are trying to put in your CD (the iso images and boot files etc.)

Tell the progress.

03-01-2005, 04:17 PM
I created the non-bootable iso image and then used "ISO Magic" to create the dual boot cd, using the boot image from the original knoppix CD.

I receive the following error:
No-Emulation type image (raw)
ISO linux 2.04 (debian, 2003-06-05) isolinux: Image checksum error, sorry...

Boot Failed.

To me it looks like the checksum is being called in the boot.bin file and when it can't find the checksum file or the checksum is incorrect it fails.

Is there a way to modify this boot.bin file and remove the part where it checks for the checksum if this is what is occuring?

Note: The "ISO Magic" program does not have a way to create a verifying checksum.


03-02-2005, 05:18 AM
I receive the following error:
No-Emulation type image (raw)
ISO linux 2.04 (debian, 2003-06-05) isolinux: Image checksum error, sorry...

From this error it appears that you need to make the knoppix CD bootable.

The cheksum is being called by (I think the isolinux file).

I'm sorry. The step of boot.img will not work because it is based on 3.3 experience. You need to copy the boot directory (I think it is so in 3.7) and don't modify the iso from ISO-magice. Look for configuration file of "isolinux.bin" program to see if there is an option of cheksum verification.

Update with progress..

03-07-2005, 02:05 PM

Look for configuration file of "isolinux.bin" program to see if there is an option of cheksum verification.

Update with progress..

I looked in the folder: master/boot/isolinux
There was a file: isolinux.cfg and isolinux.bin

I looked through the isolinux.cfg file and did not find anything in reference to "checksum" or "md5".

I also preformed the following command on the isolinux folder.
grep md5 *.*
grep md5 checksum *.*

There were no results for the md5 and the only result for the checksum search was the isolinux.bin file.

Do you have any other idea where this configuration file might be located?


03-07-2005, 03:33 PM
I'm having a problem with my remaster. The case is this:

I followed this how to http://www.knoppix.net/wiki/Knoppix_Remastering_Howto

My Knoppix version is 3.7, and Iīm booting from kernel 2.6 to build my image.

The image is created normally but when i boot the new image, the boot process stop with the message that system was unable to find the filesystem. The prompt is limited and I canīt do anything.

Can someone help-me ???

03-07-2005, 03:34 PM
I'm having a problem with my remaster. The case is this:

I followed this how to http://www.knoppix.net/wiki/Knoppix_Remastering_Howto

My Knoppix version is 3.7, and Iīm booting from kernel 2.6 to build my image.

The image is created normally but when i boot the new image, the boot process stop with the message that system was unable to find the filesystem. The prompt is limited and I canīt do anything.

Can someone help-me ???

03-09-2005, 08:15 AM
The image is created normally but when i boot the new image, the boot process stop with the message that system was unable to find the filesystem. The prompt is limited and I canīt do anything.

Can someone help-me ???
Have you changed the name of KNOPPIX filesystem to anythiing else? If yes then this is the problem. If not, can you post the command you gave to make the compressed filesystem?

03-09-2005, 01:28 PM

Iīve found the problem thatīs causing the boot proccess to abort. I was using VMWare to make my remaster. The problem was with the virtual SCSI disk of the VMWare. When I change from virtual SCSI to virtual IDE disk the proccess was successfull.

Thanks to all!!!