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View Full Version : Newbie User needs help ;)

02-12-2005, 06:35 PM
Hello Linux Gurus,

I'm currently running a Dell Inspiron 1100 laptop, and have been trying to use Knoppix 3.7 on a live CD.
Although it works, and I must say that once I resolve this niggling issue I will probably end up a convert to Knoppix, I have an annoying issue with the graphics display.

I can't get it to run above 640x480.

If there is a work-around already posted or in a FAQ, I have been unable to find it, so sorry if its been posted and I've just been a complete newbie in not finding it :)

As for the graphics card model it is an Intel 82845GM Graphics Controller.
If there is any other information needed to help resolve this issue, please inform me, and I shall post it asap.

Thanks for your time, and I'll appreciate any help or insight you can give me.

Paul Edgington

02-17-2005, 05:35 AM
I have to type:

then my intel boots good.

02-17-2005, 11:38 AM
I have tried using the fb1024x768 and it comes up with an error, with a message something like "You tried to pass an undefined video number".

02-18-2005, 05:56 PM
Just a quick update.

I've tried all the cheat codes I can think of, and still nothing so far.

02-20-2005, 12:28 AM
I cracked it :P

What it seemed to be was that my BIOS version was a bit out of date, and Intel has changed a few things involving the graphics controller.
So if anyone else has the same problem with a Dell Inspiron 1100, download the A32 bios revision :D

02-21-2005, 07:38 PM
Good work! Stick around here. your critical thinking skills could be an asset to us pioneers of bootable linux CDs!