View Full Version : need help download done now stuck

02-18-2005, 11:57 PM
I downloaded knoppix and have been trying to get it to work

I downloaded the iso iamage using bittorrent

i burned the image on to a CD-r using nero express
----bootable data disk
--------added the file gamesknoppix3.7-0.2-en.iso

burned without a problem

booting from cd/dvd drive
i get a dos prompt and a few files
don't know what to do from here
(i open a file call wmmbu (i think ) but it was in german so i just closed it )
i can see the ISO image on the dvd drive
please help

I have also tried just coping the iso file to cd and then using that (w/o Bootable data cd settings ) that just ended up booting in to xp

I am running win xp on a dell p4 3.0g w/256mb

Harry Kuhman
02-19-2005, 12:09 AM
I downloaded knoppix and have been trying to get it to work

I downloaded the iso iamage using bittorrent

i burned the image on to a CD-r using nero express
----bootable data disk
--------added the file gamesknoppix3.7-0.2-en.iso

burned without a problem

You burnt the file incorrectly. You may now have a disk with 2 iso files on it, although I'm hard pressed to understand how you got both to fit.

You never want tell burning software to make the ISO bootable; it will be bootable if you burn it properly, but doing anything to make the disk bootable is a sure sign that you have made some bad choices.

In Nero Express you want the last option in dummy's list of "What would you like to burn?", the one that says "Disk image or saved project". An ISO is a disk image. And give up any thought of adding anything to the burned CD, particularly another ISO. Also, when you finally burn, do so at a nice slow speed like 4x (trust me on this), at least until you get a good burn. You might even want to consider using a 700 meg CDRW rather than a CDR.