View Full Version : mounting cdrom drive, HELP!!!

02-25-2005, 12:24 AM
Hi! iīm new to linux so be gentle on me please...

A friend of mine needs to rescue some files from a messed up windows and i knew that knoppix could be a solution. I download it and run it from the cd with the help of a boot floppy disk, everything ok at this, it loads up with a nice desktop full of pinguins 8) . The problem is that only one of my 2 cd/dvdrom drives works, the one which runs knoppix and canīt be opened. iīve identified the other drive in boot sequence as hdd or hdc and tried to mount it over the desktop by right clicking -> create new device. It seems to mount it and i get that green mark of mounted device but when i click over it i get this error message:

dev/hdd is of the type FSDevice but has no dev=...

What does this mean? am i going the right way? iīm having lots of trouble cause iīm new to linux and donīt know most of the OS and prompt comands...

...Please help me help my friend,


02-25-2005, 07:47 PM

I'll try my best on this, which is about as much as I can do... As you will find out, over time, "everyone" is a newbie at "Linux", just at varying degrees :)

You didnt mention what version of Knoppix you are using, and this could relate to what the error needs to be corrected with. Also, I am not very clear on what you are trying to mount, or open... Is it a CDROM device, a CD-RW, a DVD, a DVD-RW, or a hard drive partition? ( this can change what the resolve will look like )

Lastly, I am not familiar on any of the NEW versions of Knoppix, say, v3.5 and above, last version of Knoppix I was using was v3.4 - so, not sure if the version of Knoppix you are using has the "autofs" mounting file system structure, or, if it has the "newer" file system mounting "supermount" ???

To try and get you a resolve, and from what you said the error was... My guess is that you are trying to open ( or mount ) a CDROM device, and the error seems to point to the fact that you are using "supermount" -=- here is an excerpt of my "fstab" file ( this file exists in /etc/fstab - and is used whenever you try and open, or mount, a device - this being a hard drive, CDROM, CD-RW, DVD, etc... )

root@morpheus:/usr/sbin# cat /etc/fstab
# /etc/fstab: filesystem table.
# filesystem mountpoint type options dump pass
# Root partition
/dev/hda1 / reiserfs defaults 0 1
# Home partition
/dev/hda5 /home reiser4 defaults,auto 0 2
# Swap partition
/dev/hda3 none swap defaults 0 0
# USB hub mount point
usbfs /proc/bus/usb usbfs devmode=0666 0 0
proc /proc proc defaults 0 0
# Secondary HD part1 VFAT DOS FS
/dev/hdc1 /mnt/hdc1 vfat defaults,users,noauto,exec,umask=000,quiet 0 0
# Secondary HD part2 Linux FS
/dev/hdc2 /mnt/hdc2 ext3 defaults,users,noauto,exec 0 0
# SanDisk USB
/dev/sda1 /mnt/sda1 vfat noauto,users,exec,noatime,umask=000 0 0
# Remaining devices
/dev/fd0 /floppy vfat defaults,user,noauto,showexec,umask=022 0 0
/dvd /dvd supermount fs=auto,dev=/dev/dvd 0 0
/cdaudio /cdaudio supermount fs=auto,dev=/dev/cdaudio 0 0
/cdaudio1 /cdaudio1 supermount fs=auto,dev=/dev/cdaudio1 0 0
/cdrom /cdrom supermount fs=auto,dev=/dev/cdrom 0 0
/cdrom1 /cdrom1 supermount fs=auto,dev=/dev/cdrom1 0 0
none /sys sysfs defaults 0 0

With the "supermount" mounting system, your CD devices are different than for hard drive, and floppy, devices... See the bottom of my file inclusion above...

In particular, take a look at the entries for /cdrom /cdrom1 /cdaudio /cdaudio1 and my /dvd entry lines -=- NOTE that near the END of those lines, they contain a "dev=" option. As your error states, that, it is looking for that. You may want to examine your "fstab" file and see what it looks like.

Also, if your trying to open a AUDIO CD, you cant, you can only open DATA CD's - if you want to play an Audio CD, you use an Audio CD player program to access the CD with. I know, with Windows, you can just click on any CD, and it either open a window for viewing a DATA CD, or starts a Audio CD player program if its a Audio CD - Linux isnt that advanced yet, you manually have to know what Disc you put in the drive, and act appropriately.

If I havent helped, or you dont understand any of this, you may want to post the output of "cat /etc/fstab" from a Konsole ( looks like a DOS prompt window ), and possibly explain what IS on /dev/hdd or /dev/hdc-=- it can only help in resolving :)

Hope this has helped,
Ms. Cuddles