View Full Version : configuration floppies not working

02-25-2005, 08:38 AM
Hi, I have a Knoppix 3.2 and a 3.6 CD and both work on 3 different computers. I have made some configuration floppies and when I try to use them I get a message at boot time that : "/dev/floppy: No such file or directory" It seems as if auto or automount doesn't kick in for me until after this point in the boot sequence. This is on two "x86" machines. Once I am in the GUI, I can access the floppy and run the script, but it doesn't quite work right, it seems. I checked, and "/dev/floppy" does not in fact exist (anywhere).

Is this a bug? Or am I missing something simple here? Please help!! And Thanks!!

02-25-2005, 09:21 AM
someone really should update the boot code. to boot with floopy configuration you have to use

knoppix floppyconf or something along them lines. i cant remember exactly but i know it works something like that and what the boot code help says doesnt actuly work. have a search around the forum for it.

02-25-2005, 11:39 AM
Thanks for the reply. Sounds like a bug. If 3.7 fixes it, I'll be glad to wait a few days for a new cd. But please talk to me some more.

I searched the site but came up empty on the second page. Any aditional pointers on how to quickly install configurations from floppy would be sincerely appreciated.

(Nice picture!)

Thanks again and best wishes.

02-25-2005, 12:40 PM

it looks like the command is

knoppix floppyconf



by the way i stole this picture my self :P

02-25-2005, 02:09 PM
Thanks again! Looks like it could be what I needed. I'll wade through it a little later. :shock:

Many thanks and much appreciation !!