View Full Version : another Knoppix/Verizon question

02-27-2005, 05:56 AM
To start off I've been out of the Linux loop for a while now (bout a year or 2) so my Linux knowlege is pretty limited. I'm having problems getting my Verizon ADSL connection to work. Its weird because I can ping sites, but I can't connect to them (Web, IRC, gAIM, etc.). Currently I'm using a Westell 2200 ADSL modem connected via RJ45 to my onboard Via Compatable Network adapter (No PPoE). Obviously works fine in Windows, but like I said before Knoppix won't connect to any sites. Anyone else with a similar setup having the same issues or have found a way around this?

EDIT: Okay never mind. Reset my modem and it works now.