View Full Version : Was any body successful remastring game knoppix 3.7-2?

03-05-2005, 03:10 PM
As you know, GamesKnoppix 3.7.0-2 is not installable on HD because it does not have /boot/vmlinuz-xxx. I remastered it and copied linux24 to /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.28 and /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.27 and linux26 to /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.10 and /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.9 but that did not work. Is there any other solution?

03-07-2005, 03:09 AM
I just followed http://www.knoppix.net/wiki/Knoppix_Remastering_Howto and got it working rather nicely.

03-07-2005, 04:47 PM

That' great news. Were you able to install it on a hard disk and boot it without the CD ROM? Can you elaborate? Did you install a new kernel or repaired the existing one? I am very excited with this news.