View Full Version : Saving settings on smb server

03-07-2005, 10:46 AM
Is it possible to save/restore configs.tbz to/from a windows box?

03-08-2005, 08:27 AM
Assuming your windows box has a share called "knoppix_files" and the IP address enter this on the commandline:

mount -t smbfs -o userrname=NAME,passwd=SECRET // /mnt
cp /path/to/config.tbz /mnt
umount /mnt

There may be more graphical solutions, but I'm a CLI guy :-)

03-09-2005, 03:23 AM
Dear anchor,

Your solution is simple yet very effective - it worked a treat!

I added your code to the standard knoppix.sh as follows:

[ "`id -u`" = "0" ] || { echo "You need root privileges to modify the system!" >&2 ; exit 1; }
#<anchor's code modified to suit>
mkdir /home/mysmb
mount -t smbfs -o username=NAME,passwd=MYSECRET // /home/mysmb
#<anchor's code ends>

[ -f "$CONFIGS" ] || CONFIGS="$1/configs.tbz"
[ -f "$CONFIGS" ] || CONFIGS="/cdrom/KNOPPIX/configs.tbz"
[ -f "$CONFIGS" ] || CONFIGS="/mnt/floppy/configs.tbz"
if [ -f "$CONFIGS" ]; then
echo "Extracting config archive $CONFIGS..."
tar -jpPtf "$CONFIGS" | while read i; do rm -f "$i"; done
tar -jpPxf "$CONFIGS" ; chown -R knoppix.knoppix /home/knoppix
killall pump 2>/dev/null && sleep 2 && killall -9 pump 2>/dev/null && sleep 2
echo "Starting daemons..."
for i in ifupdown networking cupsys; do [ -x /etc/init.d/$i ] && /etc/init.d/$i start; done

11-22-2005, 01:47 AM
permissions on window share -
From an smb (XP) box - make sure the share has permissions to allow 'full control' - or write control.
I am still struggling with security differences and smb/samba permit differences between windows-Xp, windows-server2003, linux, and solaris. The linux/solaris/knoppix permits are no problem, but the differences between XP and 2003 are opaque, at best.

If there is a FAQ (other than the samba FAQ's on the same) on getting knoppix full access quickly to winslop boxes, it would be appreciated. (Or even pointers to a FAQ section covering the same.)

Angor's answer was spot on - and it tipped me to changing the permissions of the basic share, rather than attempting to set
Window's permissions on a sub-directory (the normal human method, as I would see it) to be able to get write permission.

Even though I was using a known windows username/password on the mount -t smbfs, all I was getting was 'read' permission.
Tried using the 'administrator' route, and no luck either. The other 'windows' boxes have no problems reading/writing to the share,
but even with the proper login credentials, gates had shut the gate to knoppix being able to write to the share.

Thanks for the answer Angor, and the feedback tl1.

Dave C.