View Full Version : Knoppix freezing commonly

03-09-2005, 04:05 AM
I'm running a fairly new copy of Knoppix 3.7 on my laptop for now because of some harddrive issues I'm having, but I've having issues with Knoppix as well, foremost is how it keeps freezing on me repeatedly. I start Knoppix with "Knoppix home=scan", the computer has 256 MB of ram, no harddrive currently, so the Knoppix home is on a USB drive. It doesn't seem to be freezing completely randomly, usually when I start a new process, like opening a new Knoqueror window. When it freezes, the display sometimes goes crazy, but usually just stays the same, and the mouse and keyboard are unresponsive, I don't even get anything from ctrl+alt+del or ctrl+alt+f#, and there's no activity on any of the drives. I have to hold down the power button to force it off then restart. I'm using the default window manager, KDE, and I haven't really installed anything to Knoppix, I mostly just run things like Konqueror, KWrite, Xine, and Wine, it doesn't seem to be anything in particular that's causing the problem.

I'm not a Linux expert, so I don't really know what would be causing this, but I do know my way around a console and would like to work with Knoppix more if it would run reliably.

03-09-2005, 12:17 PM
I would think you have some other problem.

First of all 256 MB is a bit on the short side to run application, so it could be that Knoppix starts swapping heavily on launching some applications wich would 'look' like it is frozen.
Otherwise I would think you have some hardware problem.
