View Full Version : New Problem

03-09-2005, 08:09 PM
I figured out how to access the root folder in my previous post but I cannot share out the files via samba or anything http://www.knoppix.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=17532
I tried to share the root folder via Local Net Sharing and in the box it says Only directories in your home directory can be shared.
So what do I do? I tried to copy the files that i wanted to share out to my home folder every which way i could i did cut and paste, move to home folder option, no luck.
So I ask how do I go about solving this problem?

03-09-2005, 09:01 PM
Do you know the dd command? enter "man dd" at a terminal.

Basically the comand to move a file or even a partition is dd if=everything_you_want_to_move of=place_you_want_to_move_to
e.g "dd if=/dev/hda3 of=/dev/hda1 would copy hda3 to hda1 hope that helps.

03-09-2005, 10:42 PM
it will not let me move my "moviesetc" folder into my "home folder" here is the command i was using
dd if=/mnt/hda2/root/Desktop/moviesetc of=/mnt/hda2/home
then it says
dd: opening `/mnt/hda2/home` : Is a directory

So what do i do here?

03-10-2005, 08:04 PM
it will not let me move my "moviesetc" folder into my "home folder" here is the command i was using
dd if=/mnt/hda2/root/Desktop/moviesetc of=/mnt/hda2/home
then it says
dd: opening `/mnt/hda2/home` : Is a directory

So what do i do here?

I haven't used dd to move between /mnt folders are the actual files in /mnt?
Is your /hda2/home large enough to hold what you're trying to move?

It seems like it should work for you though. Are you doing "dd" as root?
If not try that.