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View Full Version : Wrong drivers for Mustek Bear Paw 1200 USB

03-10-2005, 12:29 AM
I just thought I'd point out that from 3.4 to 3.6 Knoppix seems to be loading the wrong drivers for this Bear Paw -- it's loading the Merlin drivers when I'm sure it should be loading the Plustek ones. The result is that all scans are black!

In kernel 2.6 no drivers are loaded and the device simply isn't picked up.

In 3.3 it worked perfectly (well, as perfectly as a Mustek ever does!). When I find a copy of 3.3 I'll check this out again, but mine seems to have vanished. Can anyone point me to an iso for 3.3?

03-10-2005, 06:36 PM
I found a copy of 3.2 and the scans still turn out black.

Dammit! I know the earlier 3 series worked just fine, so this goes a long way to suggesting that the scanner itself is knackered.

Anyone encountered black scans before? Any ideas?