View Full Version : Problems with fluxbox and automated menu content

03-12-2005, 12:37 PM

I'm trying to remaster my own Knoppix. My goal is to start fluxbox
as my default windowmanager with a minimized menu with only
mozilla as content. Mozilla should start automatically with maximized windowsize.
To start with fluxbox as default WM works fine.
But to get my minimized menu seems to be a problem. First i thought
I have to put the .fluxbox directory into /etc/skel and for starting
mozilla automatically create a .xinitrc with "exec mozilla -height 1024 -width 768 ..."
(into /etc/skel too). But that doesn't work. My menu is generated automatically
by the menu package and I don't know how to work with it, to get my customized
My questions are: first, where I've to change the menu file for fluxbox to get my own
menu, and second where I've to create my xinitrc to run mozilla automatically.

Thank in advance for every help.

PS: Does Knoppix 3.7 contain firefox? (that would be my favorite browser instead of mozilla)
I can't find or start it.

03-13-2005, 05:51 PM
I'll be attempting the same thing today or tomorow. Fluxbox really is the best window manager :)

I'll let you know how I fair. I haven't really taken a look at how I'm going to do it yet, I'm mostly doing it so I can have an instant server with php5/apache2/postgres on my LiveCD.

As for firefox, I'm not sure, but I think at one point I *did* have firefox on my livecd. It would have been on the german version of knoppix I downloaded by mistake the first time, though.

03-20-2005, 11:46 AM
PS: Does Knoppix 3.7 contain firefox? (that would be my favorite browser instead of mozilla)
I can't find or start it.

I believe the new CeBit release "3.8" has firefox and thunderbird as the default browser/mail clients.

I've just remastered with fluxbox as the default, in fact I removed all wm's but fluxbox. I start a few DockApps on my fluxbox startup - achieved by rewriting 45xsession. Your first step will be determining how deep you wish to remaster.