View Full Version : DVD drive scratches disks after using knoppix.

03-13-2005, 08:30 AM
I recently decided to try out linux for the first time and asked a friend of mine what would be best for new users. He told me about knoppix.I went to knoppix.org and downloaded version 3.3 on accident.The first time it started everything went very smooth but when I tryed to exit being the complete newbie I must of done something wrong. Knoppix locked up and I couldn't do anything so I restart my computer. I took out the disk and loaded up windows xp pro to make sure nothing was damaged and it appeared nothing was. So I put my knoppix disk back in and but when it started I heard the weirest noise coming from my dvd drive. Knoppix loaded very slowly and the noises continued so I immeadiatly restarted. I took out my knoppix disk and noticed circular scratches all over the disk. I tryed putting in a dvd once windows had loaded and logged into my user name to make sure nothing was wrong but It wouldn't load.I took the disk out and noticed the same scratches. I then tryed another dvd and it loaded but the movie was skipping. I took the dvd out and the same scratches. I tryed a music disk and got the same thing. It doesn't make the strange sound it made when it scratched up the knoppix disc though. My current dvd drive is a Compaq DVD-ROM DVD-117(the computer is custom built but the dvd drive is one from my old compaq.)..

03-13-2005, 09:16 AM
the DVDdrive has failed, it is most likely broken or somehting is stuck in the guides.
this is a hardware problem NOT depending on Knoppix, could have happened while you watched a film....


if you take the dvddrive apart you MIGHT fins somehting stuck in the drive but getting it out and the DVD back together is NO easy (99% chance it is broken permanently, by you, after that).
doing this is more of an autopsy to make cause of death known.

I am truly sorry for you, but cd and dvd drives ALL fail sooner or later.

03-13-2005, 05:50 PM
Thank you much. I pretty much knew it wasn't Knoppix that ruined it, It was just a family member of mine who thinks they know more about computers than me(the most they have done with a computer is installed windows XP!)that thought knoppix ruined our dvd drive and I needed to prove that it wasn't so I could get a new dvd drive. Strange though cause it can read dvd movies and run normal disks it just scratches them badly.

Thank you very much for your help.

03-13-2005, 07:17 PM
if the "guides" are out of line by just a TINY amount (less than thickness of human hair) things can get scratches.

Harry Kuhman
03-13-2005, 07:40 PM
DVD drive scratches disks after using knoppix..
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