View Full Version : 700 MB CD & 715 MB iso?

calvin the bold
03-13-2005, 08:41 PM
The CDs that I use are 700 MB, but the .iso for Knoppix is ~715 MB, so how does it fit into one CD? Or do I have to get a higher capacity CD?

03-13-2005, 08:59 PM
if you have the correct iso it will fit on the cd even though its actuly past the size of what can fit on the cd.

http://www.knoppix.net/wiki/Downloading_FAQ#Q:Why_do_750_MB_fit_onto_an_audio_ CD_but_only_650_MB_onto_a_data_CD.3F

Harry Kuhman
03-13-2005, 09:18 PM
The CDs that I use are 700 MB, but the .iso for Knoppix is ~715 MB, so how does it fit into one CD? Or do I have to get a higher capacity CD?
Did you create this iso or did you download it?

If you downloaded it did you check the md5 sum? If the md5 sum is wrong then the iso is corrupt, no matter what size it is and what size CD you can find. If it is right and you got it from a good source then your iso is simply not as large as you think it is.

There was someone a few months ago that kept insisting that his ISO was also too large. He was using some very strange burning software used by warez people to break copy protection. He kept ignoring my questions about checking the md5 checksum and insisting that the ISO was too large. Once he finally was talked into checking the md5 we found that the iso was exactly correct and under 700 meg in size, but he never responded again to explain why there was any confusion about the ISO file size.

Harry Kuhman
03-13-2005, 09:29 PM
if you have the correct iso it will fit on the cd even though its actuly past the size of what can fit on the cd.
That is a true but misleading statement. Sure, some formats (SVCD video for instance) may have a larger ISO and do cram more data on a CD by using Mode 2 and using the space normally used for error correction for extra data. But this is not the case with a Knoppix ISO. The iso file itself for a good download is smaller than 700 meg. If this person really has a 715 meg ISO (which I have strong doubts about) then it will not burn a Knoppix CD correctly and it does then a disservice to tell them to burn it. Their first step should always be to check the md5 sum of the downloaded file to see if the download was good. I would also like to know what they are seeing to make them think the ISO is as big as they think it is, but even if it was te right size a md5 check needs to be done.

see the DOWNLOADNG faq available from the Documentation link at the top of this page for more information.